Perspective to make life easier

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

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1| Everyone has problems:
There is no reason to think that all the problems in the world are coming into your life. There is no problem in anyone else's life. Rather, it can be seen with a little research. Everybody's life is more or less - personal, financial, family, relational, health, educational, career, boss can't see, neighbor, land-deposit, laptop doesn't work properly, can't take broadband. That means there are some problems. We can't understand them when we see them from outside.

When you realize - there is a problem in your life, there is a problem in the life of everyone else - just think, your inside will become much lighter.

2| No one has a Perfect Life
From a distance, the lives of many others seem perfect. Perfect Career, Perfect Couple, Perfect Genius, Perfect Life, Perfect Future. But if you look in a little detail, you will understand - they are just as impeccable as everyone else. They also make mistakes. They also make wrong decisions. They also dumped ganja. They also have abdominal pain, toothache, chest tightness and diarrhea.

If you think a little, you will understand. Everything in your life but you don't share it on social media. If you go somewhere, eat at a good restaurant, if you get good results, just post those good things on social media. And don't give bad or normal things. Similarly others give only good things. Don’t give up bad or normal things on social media.

So, don't compare your real life with someone else's social media life.

3| Situation is similar for everyone:
Always keep in mind: the thing that is tough for you is tough for everyone else. That thing is boring, hard, challenging to you; That thing is boring, hard, challenging to everyone else.

Some things may seem easy to some from the outside. But the inner thing is not like that. But also hard for them. Maybe for some reason (directly or indirectly) they were attached to that thing. Day after day, month after month. Patience or biting teeth. After going through those steps, now when we look at it from outside, we think things are easy PG Lemon Squeeze. Or Natural. But the inside thing is: like a lemon chipper that squeezes out all the stuff inside it and then achieving it, it can't be found on the outside.

So, don't compare someone else's output or last step with your input or first step.

4| Nobody gains multiple-skills at the same time
Many of us see pro in many things. The boss is public. Puk Puk in English. Graphic design is now becoming a web developer again. We go to the water with so many talents. How do they do so much? And I can't do one thing. Or if you can do more than one or two things, you can tie the knot.

The bottom line is that none of them developed all the skills in one day. Plus not all work together. Maybe I used to do a little drawing at school. Now you can design if needed. When I have free time I read English newspapers or English books. Maybe learned programming or web development as well as studying at varsity. If you can do it now, you can focus on that. Or something could make one. Although he did not develop the skills together. Even then, looking at him, it seems that he is good in design, good in development and also good in English.

So, you don't feel helpless seeing someone else's multi-skill or solving all the problems in the world at once. One goes to learn one by one. Your life will also be easy and after four years you too will have multi-skills.

5| You are unique
Even if you try a thousand times, your life will not be exactly the same as someone else's life. Because everyone in the world is unique. Everyone's life is unique. Everyone's situation is unique. Everyone's success or failure is unique.

So if you can take something from their life without comparing it with others, take it. If you can't take it, ignore it. And accept your reality. Then your life will become much easier.

Summary: Manage yourself without comparison. Don't worry, try. Adjust the perspective. Everything else will be adjusted. Maybe that's why the elders have said-- change your outlook, life will change.

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