A beautiful Life - Very busy day

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

How is everyone? Hope everybody is doing well. I am much better with the blessings of all of you. I woke up at 8 in the morning. I thought to myself that from now on I will help my mother in her work. Then I brushed my teeth well and left to help my mother make breakfast. Then Mom and I made breakfast together for everyone. I was standing in the street baking bread. I let my mother do everything for frying and I baked bread while baking. After work I saw everyone to eat breakfast and then everyone sat together and finished breakfast. After breakfast I wasted no more time and I went to work. Lately the pressure has started again that you have to make some things with your own hands. I've done something like that before. So in continuation I made it with clay again today.

Then I started a job at my varsity. Most of the time from varsity takes us to different kinds of work. So today I let you make a sculpture with your own hands. I tried that if I had never made anything else with clay. I first tried to make something with clay and learned a lot about how to make a sculpture with clay.


Working on to make Sculpture. R924+9W Dhaka, Bangladesh


Working on to make Sculpture. R924+9W Dhaka, Bangladesh


Working on to make Sculpture. R924+9W Dhaka, Bangladesh

Then it takes me about two hours to finish the job. After work I let it dry in the sun then I cleaned it well to help us make lunch again. Then my mother gives me some work, then I do these things and when I have a fight, I cook. After cooking, he goes to take a bath. Now I take a bath and call everyone to eat and I sit down with everyone and finish eating together. Then help me to give everything .. Then he goes to his room. Then rest for about thirty minutes. After resting, I get up and do a Google search on my computer. And let's try to figure out what the virtual thing is. Because we are moving towards the virtual world day by day in such a way that we do not recognize the real.


Google Searching time

Then mom says everyone to get some light breakfast ready for it. Then I make tea and biscuits for everyone. Then everyone sits together and eats breakfast. After eating, I froze and started my work. I do it every day, whether it's painting or something else, because I want to see myself as a good artist. It's my dream. Then it takes about an hour to do the art. And finally I rest for a while. Then my mother called me for dinner. Then everyone sits down together and eats dinner. Now I help her to give everything to my mother after eating. To finish all the work and sleep on your own merits. I lay down and watched TV for a while and then fell asleep around midnight.


Art a woman sketch

From #Bangladesh

Have a good day everyone. And thank you for reading my blog.

Thank you

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