A beautiful Life - My Food festival

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

How is everyone? Hope everybody is doing well. Today has been a frustrating day for me. I was just in the air all day. I woke up at 8:30 in the morning. Then I freshened up and left for breakfast. The breakfast item was khichuri. Although due to lack of time I could not take some pictures. Khichuri was fried with eggs. It's actually one of my favorite foods. Help me work for a while after eating. Then I sit down and talk and work.

Since it was very hot after work, I asked my mother if she would eat ice cream. Then he immediately told me to eat and I bought three ice creams for the three of us without any delay. Ice cream is one of my favorite foods. In summer I like to eat ice cream a lot and I almost eat ice cream. Then I eat ice cream with my mother and my younger sister. Chuckbar ice cream is a lot for the three of us so I brought Chuckbar ice cream.


Eating Ice crime at my sweet home

After eating, I told my mother that I would cook Birani this afternoon. Then I prepared everything without delay to cook biryani. I opened the fridge and saw that there was beef in the house, so I planned to cook beef birani because beef birani is my favorite of all the people in our house. I cut everything and prepared everything to cook Birani. Then I started cooking. After cooking for about an hour, I finished cooking Birani again. I finished cooking and went to take a bath. Then I took a bath and performed the Zuhr prayer and then I saw everyone for lunch. Everyone was very happy when they saw that I had cooked beef birani and we all sat down and ate together.


Eating biriyani at lunch

This time after eating, he helped me to clean the dishes. Aslam left to rest in his room for a while. But for a long time I didn't believe because I was so tired today. Then I went to my mother and talked for a while. My mother said that there are bureaucrats. I cut them well and brought them to feed everyone. This time I washed the bureaucrats well and cut them to give to everyone. Then I gave the girl with pepper and salt to eat together and I ate with everyone. After eating, I cleaned the bowl well. Then I came to my room and rested for a while.


Eating Amra in the afternoon

This time I started my daily painting work. The painting I did today was really a beautiful painting that I have already shared on this platform. The color of the painting is very realistic and the scenery is very realistic. So I'm very happy to be able to do that. I hope you all like me a lot. Then I believe in painting around eight o'clock at night.


Painting of Pict beach

Finally I rested for a while because I had to sit and work for a long time and I got a little tired while painting. Then I use my mobile phone while lying down and talk to my friends on social media. Then at ten o'clock at night my mother called for food. Now, after eating, help me to clean everything a little. Then I came to my room and arranged everything and then I used my mobile phone for a while. Then around midnight I fell asleep.

From #Bangladesh

Have a good day everyone. And thank you for reading my blog.

Thank you

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