A beautiful day

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 


How is everyone? It was a beautiful day for me. I woke up at six in the morning. Then I perform ablution and perform Fajr prayers. After prayers I fall asleep again. This is my daily routine. Then I woke up around 9 in the morning. I never eat breakfast immediately after waking up, I eat breakfast after an hour and a half. After freshening up and taking a rest for a while, I thought of giving mehdi in my hand for a long time but I couldn't give it due to lack of time. Then I started applying henna on my hands. After the henna is applied, my mother walks me through the road and then I have breakfast.



It was about noon when I finished everything. Then I told my mother that today I will make roasted khichuri and fry eggs so that my mother can help me a little. Then make everything you need to cook. After cooking, I finished everything around 2 pm and went to take a bath. After bathing and praying, we sat together and had lunch. It was a lot of fun, you may understand the food. Then I rested for about half an hour.



Then I got up and went fresh to see my trees. I have many types of trees on the roof, some of them are my favorite tree, this flowering tree is my favorite. I love marigolds so I planted marigolds on my roof.


Along with the flowering plants, there are some vegetable plants on our roof. After looking at all of them, I noticed that my gourd tree had small gourds on it. Then the sky became cloudy and the light became a little stormy before I went down again with water on all the trees.



Come home and rest for a while. Then after thinking about what to eat, I wanted to eat vegetable toast with the bread. So it wasn't long before everything was ready to be cooked at home so I made it for myself and my mother and younger sister. We all sat together and ate them. After eating, we had tea and talked.



After talking to everyone for a long time, he goes to his room while watching TV. This time I studied for a while. Then I started preparing the post to share the activities.

From #Bangladesh

Have a good day everyone. And thank you for reading my blog.

Thank you

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