Success 101: Admitting Your Mistakes and Learning From It

in blurtlife •  4 years ago  (edited)

Just like forgiving someone, one must also learn to admit what they have done is wrong for them to be forgiven. We can also take this scenario in making the best version of ourselves from each passing day from this thought of admitting we're wrong and try so hard not to do it again if not totally minimize it.

Promises are indeed made to be broken so let's not swear an oath of we cannot really keep especially if we have promised to our own self.


This photo was taken inside the company premises and the first time to have seen these Christmas decorations in the receiving area.

We know to ourselves all the things we are good at. We are definitely also aware of our own weaknesses. But some of us might be in denial of those opportunities 'coz of pride.

In the first place, we need to be humble at all times and should let those significant people be the ones to recognize those assets that we have. Let's not be boastful of our achievements though it is something to be proud of.


Seeing this Christmas tree let's me get reminded of December 25, 2020. With the pressure, stress and a demanding job description, would I still be able to reach Christmas and not think of quitting my job?


In this photo I came to realize, I SHOULD STILL BE HERE!

I have tried so hard to keep this job and be the best that I can be so I should just continue where I have started!

If your manager would be able to check these opportunities that you need to work on and improve to make you a better person on your chosen career then accept those feedbacks and challenge yourself to change these things.


If all else fails then we still have a home to retreat and plan things ahead to create our own game plan to rise from the ashes.

Accepting defeat and remember the things that should motivate you to get back on track again is a great step to make yourself successful in your chosen field.

Thank you for reading my own way to reach success as I tread on my own battle at the moment.

I keep on holding on and proving to myself I can do this and not to anybody else.

Your APPICS Senior Ambassador, @Fycee.
All photos are mine.


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