How Long Will It Take The US To Overcome China In Terms Of Technological Infrastructure?

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Everyone knows that China already has the upperhand in terms of global infrastructure. If not just blinded by the fact of being racist the reason most cannot accept this thought a reality.

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As a former Semiconductors Engineer who worked in an Electronics Company in the Philippines, I was able to experience the demand of integrated circuitry production composed of resistors, diodes and transistors since Year 2008 up to 2013. It was then the bloom of technology that right now the world is already enjoying.

We should always have in mind that these technological devices that are being mass-produced will not only be consumer electronics but also the components on how to create another kind of infrastructure as well.

Sticking to this thought, I would like to use my expertise in Electronics Engineering into a blogging form to raise awareness where it is needed at the moment.

I would like to accept the challenge of @jacobgadikian thru the BLURT Platform tackling this intriguing thought.


Let's take a look how China did well the last decade (2010-2020)

In terms of mass production, China is the leading manufacturer of these chips that are now being used in all facets of technology. From the raw materials, to the specific kinds of IC's being used for a separate program to run either a software or even a hardware of systems, applications, gadgets, robotics and now behold - artificial intelligence. Raw materials can already be found within their country. Silicon, Carbon, Germanium are all indeed handy in the mainland and would no longer have to import such elements for mass production. If so, it will just be easily handed over by countries in allegiance with China itself. Not necessarily trying to build an alliance to the superpower but it is actually the first initiative of what these countries would provide if they owe much to them. To make these elements become compounds, a tremendous amount of human workforce is needed, too. Due to the fact that the wage of the Republic is way lower than what we have in the Philippines or its neighboring countries, they would be able to have an huge amount of workers producing significant components of IC's per functions.

For a Million Dollar budget per day in terms of raw materials that can be readily be available and from the imported elements from the neighboring countries who owes a lot to them multiplied by huge number of heads manufacturing these products, it can yield to 400-500% gains each day.

Let us also regard the fact that when a product is made in China, quality is still the top priority. In each of the manufacturing companies, failure percentage is also checked based on the reports of the Quality Control Team. China would always have a failure rate of 10-12% rate per month and Philippines would display a 4-5% Failed products rate. Even though China has an alarming rate of failed products, the number of produced units is still way unfathomable that is being delivered to the rest of the world.

China produces products to build another kind of technology where the US build technology for the consumers to enjoy.

Most of the times, the US and all first world countries are all about assembly and not producing its own by-products.

Dwelling in the New-Normal Scenario

We all know that the new normal hampers the manufacturing companies' momentum of mass production. Since China has already contained the worsening situation and they are already back in track being the largest percentage contributing to the technological advancement, I therefore agree that this super-power is really unstoppable.

The United States has been badly hit by the pandemic and is still recovering from their major losses. They have just recently switched governance so the main focus until the first year of the administration is to throw stones from the past leadership and hardly focus much on what they need to accomplish gaining back or even subdue their losses.

Disclaimer: This is only my OWN point of view and not in any way trying to taint other perspectives.

At any point, it is a struggle in all parts of the world to go back to what we have used to do. Social distancing prohibits the number of employees to go to work because it is always ensured that 50% of the workforce should just be present in the facility itself. Import and export of raw materials are not even stable yet where the Super Power China has everything it needs right inside their sovereign.

China has even developed or assigned a place for manufacturing alone (in Taiwan) so that any kind of pandemic and instabilities would not affect their operations. It even hires a lot of hardworking Filipinos, Bangladeshi, Indonesian, Vietnamese and Thailanders to be production workers. It is said to be the operations in China is already in full blown.

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Sadly, if the US is still in the process of recovery and political adversaries then it will really take time for them to surpass China and they really need to do drastic measures to push their economy emerging again.

The United States should develop a way where they could provide more jobs for their people and the people themselves should have the sense of self-discipline to protect themselves and their families from the virus. Not only them but every one of us too wherever we are.

They should prove to the whole world that they are still "The Super Power" by focusing to their people and their OWN Economical growth.

Thank you so much for this opportunity to share my thoughts and Blurt it out here!


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Great post. Yes it is very interesting times we are living in. Here in Canada we are mostly all working from home these days. Thanks to technology like MS and Goggle Meetings.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks man! Yeah technology will make our lives easier but kinda more complicated at first. But will get used to it.

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