About Failure Raised by Hope and Dropped by Reality

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

About Failure Raised by Hope and Dropped by Reality.png

Failure is a terrible word in every life lived by humans. The definition of failure also varies, ranging from failing in love, failing in business or even failing to rebuild his life after being torn apart by the destruction in life.

Then, does failure always have to be sadly mourned or should it be celebrated? How bad and what kind of impact does a person have when they fail?

In short, failure is downstream from everyone's struggle, they always think what they strive for will bring success.

This high expectation is often built by a person's paradigm in each of his struggles, but sometimes that person never thinks or even has never prepared a special framework if what he is fighting for never succeeds or fails.

Things like this often make someone a different person from the beginning of the struggle, they always look enthusiastic but when they fail, they lament for long.

Is failure a sin to regret for the rest of your life? No! Failure is a life process, where we as humans grow and develop. If we don't experience failure, then what can we learn in life?

Actually, it is only natural that failure should be regretted but lamenting failure continuously is also not good for health. If this happens, of course, your health will decline, you will also experience psychological disorders and constant headaches.

For this reason, in order to maintain sanity after lamenting failure, it's a good idea to divert your attention and focus and keep yourself busy with various activities that will have an impact on losing negative thoughts after experiencing failure.

Sometimes we have to experience failure so that later we can be grateful for its existence and become an evaluation material so that we don't experience the same thing.

Everyone has experienced failure in life. The young, the old, the rich and the poor must have experienced this and what distinguishes the winner from the loser is the way of thinking and acting how to rise after experiencing failure.

Our life is very short and maybe you feel it too, it doesn't matter if you make mistakes in this life and maybe feel like a failure during your life. Remember, the only one who can judge your life is yourself.

The efforts you have put in to make things work only you know. Therefore, take some time, reflect and say "thank you for sticking around until now.

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