Another day in the paradise. by Mostrorobot. 240702

in blurtlatam •  4 days ago  (edited)

Another day in the paradise. by Mostrorobot. 240702

After the death of hundreds of millions due to the wave of Virus2, governments achieved the survival of the population by isolating citizens in security buildings known as Paradises.


The alarm sounds as the clock reads “06:00 am” on its small digital screen. Martin finally opens his eyes, although he has been awake for a long time, he is only allowed to get up at six o'clock. He gets up and remains sitting on the bed, and while smiling he happily exclaims “another day in paradise”, he gets up and takes two steps towards the wall mirror, there he looks at his face and his body, a female voice with a neutral tone speaks. He hears in the small room “good morning Martin”, he takes off his pajamas that consist of shorts and gray flannel, Martin folds the clothes and stores them neatly in the drawer under the bed, and taking another couple of steps he goes to…

The Toilet Box

Similar to the old showers, it is an area of ​​1.30 square meters and 2.50 meters high, reaching the ceiling. Instead of glass it is made of transparent plastic. Once through the sliding door, Martin sits on a small toilet, and while he relieves himself he presses the shower button, activating very fine and brief streams of water that fall from the ceiling, a digital clock embedded on one side. starts a countdown “sixty, fifty-nine, fifty-eight…”. Martin takes some soapy sponges and hurries to clean his entire body with them as quickly as possible; in paradise, water is precious and limited. When the clock reaches zero, the flow of the vital liquid is shut off, and a brief stream of steamy air blows over his body to help dry him in an instant.

Upon leaving the “toilet box”, the female voice is heard again “today is day 1368, working day”, Martin happily positions himself naked in the middle of the room and extends his arms in a T shape, from the walls. lights project light blue rays over his body, scanning him from head to toe, a male voice is heard “good morning, Martin, you have a good temperature and physical condition, keep it up”, Martin responds to the air “thank you Doc”. He gets dressed and after taking about four steps he finds himself in the…

Connection Area

This area of ​​the room is where the inhabitants of paradise connect with the caregivers. It is an area of ​​2x2 square meters with a chair pointing at a steel wall. Martin sits down and turns to look at one of the digital clocks “6:20 am”, time for breakfast. On the other side of the wall you can hear wheelbarrows rolling through the external hallways. Suddenly the wall makes mechanical noises, the bottom half disengages and is removed by the hall's caretakers, being replaced by a table that enters Martin's room. On it is a plate with two chewable pills and a disposable cup. with a colorless liquid. Martin devours the first pill, and while he chews and tastes it he says “hmmnn fried eggs, delicious”, he hurries to chew the second pill “ohhh, turkey and yellow cheese sandwich, it's delicious”, finally he drinks the liquid “and the coffee, spectacular as always.”

Time to work

When the clocks struck seven o'clock, the steel wall was removed again, but this time instead of the food table, a work table, with a large number of small parts, was installed in the “connection zone”. plastic and metal in a box and a sheet of paper with a printed drawing. Martin settles into the chair, stretches, snaps his fingers, looks at the drawing for a moment and begins to select the pieces and put them together. His job is to assemble chips following the instructions on the drawing assigned to him. In less than three minutes he already has the first one ready, at the end of the day he lost count of how many he built.

End of the day

After dinner, the female voice indicates "recreation time", Martin in his bed begins to dream of happy false memories, projected in his mind through a chip implanted in his brain, and thus he falls asleep, while smiling. Meanwhile, in the outside world, miles away, a balloonist moves vigilantly among the clouds. In the cabin, a uniformed Captain observes the newly arrived boxes of chips, turns to the computer and reads a transcript “again the factories have met their quota today.” The Captain smiles looking at the buildings/factories while he thinks “another day in paradise”.


by Mostrorobot

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