Food Perservatives

in blurtlatam •  2 years ago 


A food preservative or food additive is a substance added to food to preserve its taste or to improve its taste, appearance or other organoleptic properties. Certain preservatives such as vinegar (pickling), salt (pickling), smoke (smoking) and sugar (crystallization) have been used for centuries to preserve food.

This allows for foods with a longer shelf life, such as bacon, candy, or wine. With the advent of processed foods in the second half of the 20th century, many perservatives of natural and artificial origin were introduced.
Food preservatives also include substances that may be added indirectly to food during the manufacturing, packaging or storage or transport process (so-called"indirect perservatives").

Types of food Preservatives

Food preservatives can be divided into several groups, but some overlap because some additives have multiple effects. Salt, for example, is both a preservative and a flavoring agent.

√ Acidity regulator
Acids taste sour. Common acidity regulators include vinegar, citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, fumaric acid, and lactic acid. acidity regulator
Acidity regulators are used to adjust the pH of foods for stability or to affect enzyme activity.

√ Anti- caking agents
Anti-caking agents prevent powders such as powdered milk from clumping or sticking.

√ Antifoam and foaming agent
Defoamers reduce or eliminate foam from foods. Blow agents do the opposite.

√ Antioxidant agent
Antioxidants, such as vitamin C, are preservatives that prevent oxygen from breaking down food.

√ Bulking agents
Agent such as starch, are additives that add bulk to foods without affecting their taste.

√ Food coloring
Food coloring is added to food to replace color lost during cooking or to make food more attractive.

√ Fortifying agents
Nutrient-enhancing vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements.

√ Color preservative
Unlike dyes, coloring preservatives are used to preserve the original color of the food.

√ Emulsifiers
Emulsifiers mix water and fat into an emulsion, such as mayonnaise, ice cream, and condensed milk.

√ Flavoring agents
Flavorings are additives that give a specific taste or smell to food and can be derived from natural sources or artificially produced.

√ Flavor enhancer agent
Flavor enhancers enhance the overall flavor of foods. A popular example is monosodium glutamate. Some flavor enhancers have their own unique flavor separate from the food. flour improver.
Flour treatment agents are added to improve the color of the flour or for use in baking.

√ Glazer agent
Glazing agents give foods a glossy appearance or a protective coating. humidifier
Humectants prevent food from drying out.

√ Tracer agent
Tracer gases can be used to ensure the shelf life of food by verifying the integrity of packaging and to prevent food from entering the atmosphere. Preservatives prevent or inhibit the spoilage of food by mould, bacteria and other microorganisms.

√ Stabilizer agent
Stabilizers, thickeners and gelling agents such as agar-agar or pectin (such as those used in jams) give foods a firm texture. It is not a true emulsifier, but helps to stabilize the emulsion.

√ Sweetener agent and thickener agent
Sweeteners are added to foods to add flavor. Sweeteners other than sugar are added because they lower food energy (calories) or have beneficial effects on diabetes, caries or diarrhoea.
A thickener is a substance that, when added to a mixture, increases its viscosity without significantly changing its other properties.

Bisphenols,phthalates and perfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFCs) are by-products used in manufacturing or packaging.

Effects of food Preservatives

Some people are sensitive to certain food additives and may experience reactions such as hives or diarrhea. This does not mean that all food with peservatives should be unconditionally suspect or checked.

All foods are made of chemicals, and dietary supplements are not always "safer" than natural chemicals. Most food preservatives used in the food industry occur naturally in the foods that people eat every day. For example, Parmesan cheese, sardines and tomatoes contain significantly higher amounts of MSG than natural MSG as a food preservatives.

People with food allergies and intolerances are often sensitive to chemicals that occur naturally in certain foods, such as nuts and shellfish.

Many people consider food preservatives to be major food hazards. However, when it comes to health risks, food additives rank second only to food-eating microorganisms (e.g., salmonella), poor hygiene and eating habits, environmental contaminants, and natural toxins.

Some food preservatives can cause reactions.
Preservatives used to give foods a marketable quality, such as color, often cause allergic reactions. Some of these hypersensitivity reactions includes:
~Diarrhea and colic ( digestive disorder)
~Neurological disorders such as hyperactivity, insomnia and irritability.
~Respiratory problems such as asthma, rhinitis and sinusitis.
~swelling, itching,rashes and hives( skin problems).

Diagnosis of sensitivity to food Preservatives

If you think you may be sensitive to a food preservatives, it's important to seek professional help, as other conditions may be causing your symptoms. Keeping a food diary and carefully recording side effects can help.

Once a sensitivity is diagnosed, the usual practice is to remove all suspected foods from the diet and then reintroduce them one at a time to see which compound (or compounds) is causing the reaction. Some reactions, such as asthma, can be serious and should only be done under a doctor's supervision.

Remember there is a saying that saysHEALTH IS WEALTH. Love you all.


Translating to Spanish

Un conservante o aditivo alimentario es una sustancia que se añade a los alimentos para conservar su sabor o mejorar su sabor, apariencia u otras propiedades organolépticas. Ciertos conservantes como el vinagre (decapado), la sal (decapado), el humo (ahumado) y el azúcar (cristalización) se han utilizado durante siglos para conservar los alimentos.

Esto permite alimentos con una vida útil más larga, como tocino, dulces o vino. Con la llegada de los alimentos procesados ​​en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, se introdujeron muchos conservantes de origen natural y artificial. Los conservantes de alimentos también incluyen sustancias que pueden agregarse indirectamente a los alimentos durante el proceso de fabricación, envasado o almacenamiento o transporte (los llamados "conservantes indirectos").

Tipos de conservantes de alimentos.

Los conservantes de alimentos se pueden dividir en varios grupos, pero algunos se superponen porque algunos aditivos tienen múltiples efectos. La sal, por ejemplo, es tanto un conservante como un agente saborizante.

√ Regulador de acidez
Los ácidos saben agrio. Los reguladores de acidez comunes incluyen vinagre, ácido cítrico, ácido tartárico, ácido málico, ácido fumárico y ácido láctico.
√ regulador de acidez
Los reguladores de acidez se utilizan para ajustar el pH de los alimentos para lograr estabilidad o para afectar la actividad enzimática.

√ Antiaglomerantes
Los agentes antiaglomerantes evitan que los polvos como la leche en polvo se aglomeren o se peguen.

Antiespumante y agente espumante
Los antiespumantes reducen o eliminan la espuma de los alimentos. Los agentes de soplado hacen lo contrario.

mediante la verificación de la integridad del empaque y para evitar que los alimentos ingresen a la atmósfera. Los conservantes previenen o inhiben el deterioro de los alimentos por moho, bacterias y otros microorganismos.

√ Agente estabilizador
Los estabilizadores, espesantes y gelificantes como el agar-agar o la pectina (como los que se utilizan en las mermeladas) dan a los alimentos una textura firme. No es un verdadero emulsionante, pero ayuda a estabilizar la emulsión.

alimentan de alimentos (por ejemplo, la salmonella), la higiene y los hábitos alimentarios deficientes, los contaminantes ambientales y las toxinas naturales.

Algunos conservantes de alimentos pueden causar reacciones.

Los conservantes utilizados para dar a los alimentos una calidad comercial, como el color, a menudo provocan reacciones alérgicas. Algunas de estas reacciones de hipersensibilidad incluyen:

~Diarrea y cólico (trastorno digestivo)
~Trastornos neurológicos como hiperactividad, insomnio e irritabilidad
~Problemas respiratorios como asma, rinitis y sinusitis
~hinchazón, picazón, erupciones y urticaria (problemas de la piel)

Diagnóstico de la sensibilidad a los conservantes alimentarios

.Si cree que puede ser sensible a los conservantes de alimentos, es importante buscar ayuda profesional, ya que otras afecciones pueden estar causando sus síntomas. Llevar un diario de alimentos y registrar cuidadosamente los efectos secundarios puede ayudar.

.Una vez que se diagnostica una sensibilidad, la práctica habitual es eliminar todos los alimentos sospechosos de la dieta y luego reintroducirlos uno a la vez para ver qué compuesto (o compuestos) está causando la reacción.

Algunas reacciones, como el asma, pueden ser graves y solo deben realizarse bajo la supervisión de un médico.

Recuerda que hay un dicho que dice SALUD ES RIQUEZA. Los amo a todos.

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