Change the Way to Achieve Goals by "Being, Doing, and Having"

in blurtlatam •  2 years ago 

personality-g84b1040bf_1280.png Source: mohamed_hassan/PIXABAY

"You have to BE before you can do and DO before you can HAVE."
Zig Ziglar

Whether we realize it or not, every day our lives are filled with so many desires. Even sometimes our desires are often not needed. The wish list grows as one's income increases or one's life becomes more settled.

Maybe we often ask ourselves, when will I have a new, more decent job, more money, a nice house, better conditions, better relationships (friendship and family), and so on. If we can't control it properly, our desires often become a problem, and torture ourselves. Moreover, if the desires are increasingly piling up, it is not supported by a consistent effort to achieve everything we want.

If we refer to Zig Ziglar's statement above, then we need to know every purpose of our life or in other words, what kind of person do we want to BE? So that way, we can easily determine and DOING various efforts so that we can HAVING everything we want. Including happiness, self-satisfaction, independence, and self-confidence.

If it is related to life more broadly, even though in reality many things happen that are not according to our wishes, in every condition of the environment and society, we are always required to BE. We cannot wait for external conditions to change to achieve our success and happiness. We always have to be ready to change, because every result we get in life is a consequence of the actions we take. The quality of our actions, depends on the quality of our BEING: The way we view things, beliefs, emotions, intuition, and so on.

Source: mohamed_hassan/PIXABAY

How Can We Achieve Our Goals in Blurt?

By far, most Blurt users, (including me when I was first here), want to HAVE high votes and lots of Blurt. Users DO various ways by making various posts in any form to BECOME a millionaire.

This method often makes most users frustrated because they do not get the reward in the form of voting as expected. Most of us here are still stuck in the mindset of HAVING → DOING → BEING so that the initial goal of getting pleasure ends in disappointment.

For this reason, so that each of our desires can be achieved, it is necessary to take steps to change what we must do by reversing the previous pattern to BEING → DOING → HAVING.

Source: freeyourlife

If we want to HAVE a lot of voices and a lot of Blurt, thus making us millionaires, then we must BECOME someone who DOES more than ever before. It's not enough to just make one post and then wait for people to come to vote. We also need to build social networks with other users on Blurt (by commenting and voting on other users' posts) that match our interests.

REMEMBER: CONSISTENCY and PATIENCE are the keys. To HAVE every desire, We have to go through every process, nothing is instant.

When the results are the opposite of what we want, there are at least three things we can do.

First, Do Nothing: because we assume the negative result was caused by something beyond our control, we do nothing. This is NOT THE BEST CHOICE.

Second, Change our actions: this is what most people do. This problem-solving mentality can help in the short term. But after a while, if we keep thinking the same thing, we will act in the same way and get the same results.

Third, Change the way we live: when our perceptions, beliefs, mind maps, and feelings change, they are more likely to promote improvement and development. This is the only effective way to carry out the transformation.

When WE CHANGE, we can produce unprecedented things and redesign our identities every time. In other words, for anything in our life to change, we must change. When we change, everything will change for us.

You can read about this connection in my previous post: The Universe Is A Reflection Of Ourselves about how our desires find their destination and get to where they want or what is called the Law of Resonance.

“If you want to have more, you have to become more. Success is not something you pursue. What you pursue will elude you; it will avoid you; it can be like trying to chase a butterfly. Success is something you attract with what you become. To improve things, you have to improve yourself to be better. For things to change, you have to change. When you change, everything changes for you."
Jim Rohn

Thank you for visiting and reading this post. If you have a different view, I'm happy to wait for your feedback in the comments column.

Power of love


Reference: Free Your Life

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Their presence has helped users a lot on Blurt, I think they deserve more support. Thanks for reminding me of that.