RE: Tough life for my mother due to her relentless cough, it is caused by her allergies which had became more rough »»-—♡—-«« Vida dura para mi madre debido a su tos implacable, es causada por sus alergias que se habían vuelto más áspera

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Tough life for my mother due to her relentless cough, it is caused by her allergies which had became more rough »»-—♡—-«« Vida dura para mi madre debido a su tos implacable, es causada por sus alergias que se habían vuelto más áspera

in blurtlatam •  last year 

Sorry about your mother's health. There was also a time that I had a throat tightness and my doctor said it is a throat inflammation
There are times that I feel it and there are tine when I don't even feel it.
It comes and goes.

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