A slight comparison of the behavior of the value of HIVE and STEEM

in blurtinvest •  4 years ago 

Since the last #Hive hardfork, I have come across the recurring failure of dapps that I used to use, both the query ones like @hivestats and other automation ones like @beemengine, in this last week the problems seemed to have been solved and I could use the ones again dapps, but since yesterday I already find again that beemengine is not working on the hive blockchain again.

I'm not sure what the witnesses were after with this latest hardfork, but it really gave me some problems, in fact I'm not sure it was completely beneficial to hive's cryptocurrency market, when I try to compare it with what has happened to a similar currency, such as #Steem, which after all, is the blockchain from which it was derived.

Hive behavior in the last 30 days, taken from @coingecko


Hive-dollar behavior in the last 30 days, taken from @coingecko


Steem behavior in the last 30 days, taken from @coingecko


Steem-dollar behavior in the last 30 days, taken from @coingecko


At first, I thought that the behavior of hive and steem kept a certain similarity, it is something that seems obvious in the graph, but it is immediately noticeable that the starting value of the cryptocurrency is different in each case, and even the thing is worse when I find that despite that, the percentage drop for hive is worse than the one recorded for steem. So not only did steem start the period I'm using to compare with a higher value, but it also turned out that it lost less of its value at the end of the period I'm using to compare.

If we take this to the case of the dollar-backed currencies that both blockchains have, it turns out that the comparison is even worse, in the case of hive, variations can be observed that are not worrying to a great extent for me, but the case of steem shows a candle that is incredible to me, very striking and definitely causes me a bit of surprise, its value increased in a very short time in a very striking way, it is already in a period of downward adjustment, but still it is far above its hive blockchain counterpart.

In closing, this post is just a way of expressing my annoyance with the results of the latest changes, but also a wake-up call on the effects such changes can have on the market value and a request that this be considered as something to be evaluated for future updates, because if changes that damage value continue to be implemented, it will be a damage to the investment.

At least that's my opinion. All the content of the post is informative and does not intend to give economic or investment recommendations, whenever you proceed to invest you must evaluate the case and act according to your own criteria.

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