Women's Role in Nation Building | My Participation

in blurtindia •  2 years ago 

I am thankful to God that I had the opportunity to write about women's role in nation building. Congratulations to @nazirhussain for hosting this event.
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For a time, women had no place in the nation. They were considered a necessity. The 18th century was a time of development for the nation. But times had changed. Women also played a significant role in the development of this nation.

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• In 1966, Indira Gandhi became the third Prime Minister of India.
• Sport was known only to men, but Althea Gibson raised the women's head in tennis in 1951.
• In view of the fact that the population of many generations was becoming a serious problem in the world, Margaret Sanger first coined the term birth control and tried to control the population.
• In the field of education, Grace Hopper holds a Ph.D. in mathematics. And played her part in nation building and drew the attention of women towards it and raised the head of women.
• Flying an airplane is a daring act. In 1928, Amelia Earhart stepped into the world of pilots and became the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
• In the present era, Malala Yousuf has further contributed to the development of the nation and advanced the daughters of the nation in the development of the nation.

Because these are some of the famous women who contributed to the development of this nation and changed the history of the nation. They must have had a lot of trouble because they came forward at a time when they had no status. I congratulate the women who worked tirelessly, accepted the challenges, and proved themselves right and contributed to the development of the nation by joining hands with men.

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