Dawah towards Islam

in blurtindia •  2 years ago 

The Arabic word Dawah is a verbal noun drived from the root da'a. literally Dawah means is to call. request appeal people towards the ahkam of Islam. Dawah also means invitation to meal. In short Dawah signifies"the act of invitation". Here in my talk Dawah means to call a non-muslim to towards Allah which is general meaning of Dawah in the Holly Quran and sunnah.
Allah orders us in surah Al-Imran ayat 104 that" let them arises from among you a nation of people inviting to Allah that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong. Such are they who attain the true success".
As you see Allah is ordering for Dawah and telling that there must be a regular proup who will do Dawah and that group will be granted with a true success. So some scholars including that Imam Ghazali said. That Dawah is obligatory and is an obligation and main means of Muslims Ummah as Allah says in Quran in surah Al-Imran Ayat No. 110" that you enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah.
I would like to share some means of Dawah which a Dae' should follow while giving Dawah to non Muslims:

  1. welcome people warmly and give them cuncere respect.
  2. Listen to them carefully and show your deep concern to what they say.
  3. Try to understand the background and culture of those who are you admonishing.
  4. Address people according to the level of their understanding.
  5. Avoid criticism always find excuse for people.
    These are some important rules that we must follow the while calling people to almighty Allah.
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