Today I did some photography of cutting the tree garden.

in blurtindia •  10 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Rahmatullah, Friends I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah, I am also very well by the grace of Allah and your prayers. I have appeared again among you, I am with another of my new writings, I hope everyone will like reading my writings and seeing the photographs.




Today I did some photography of cutting the tree garden. Guys, there was a lot of storms here a few days ago, he got a lot of damage from the storm. The most affected is the work tree plantation. Many people's gardens have collapsed due to high winds. As those broken trees fell on other trees, other trees were also badly damaged. Continuity We also had two trees severely damaged one was a mango tree and another was a lump tree. A few days later Lompocs was sold. I sold another tree with him and gave the price of two trees for 4000 Tk. The work was not cut off then, now it is close. After cutting the work I observed and took some photos and made a short video.




These operations were carried out with great care as there were many mango trees around. Two mango trees were severely damaged after felling. There was nothing more to be done then as the tree was felled with great care but little damage was done. They expressed a lot of grief and we also expressed our condolences. We all will make gardens around the house because oxygen is very much needed in this world. Animals get nothing without oxygen. And the main source of this oxygen is plants. Brother, we will build a tree garden and take good care of the tree garden. If the tree is too old, the main thing to change it is to cut one tree and plant two trees. We will create tree plantations and preserve the balance of the environment.
Everyone stay safe and healthy.

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