Friends, today I have done photography of village Bengal vegetable polla and its flowers.

in blurtindia •  10 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Rahmatullah, Friends I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah, I am also very well by the grace of Allah and your prayers. I have appeared again among you, I am with another of my new writings, I hope everyone will like reading my writings and seeing the photographs.



Friends, today I have done photography of village Bengal vegetable polla and its flowers. They are known as Village Bengal Vegetables because they are cultivated in villages and produce large quantities. The people of the village have made it themselves, i.e. they have cultivated their own crops to eat two handfuls of pulses and rice, and the farmers have been successful. The price of each kg is Tk 20 to Tk 30. The plants grow large enough and after they grow old, the seeds are kept and dried in the sun and stored again during the rains and a substantial yield is obtained. Those of you who are familiar with these pictures can definitely relate.





Now come to its flowers. The flowers are yellow in color and are collected by bees. It is very beautiful to look at because of its fruiting time with flowers. Ulla Dhara starts from them only after the flowers come. These Prahlad varieties are native in nature. They are very tasty and vitamin rich, they are very expensive in the market and they are in high demand by people who eat them with a lot of food. Note that the photos you can see are all photos taken from our vegetable plants. You all pray that more vegetables come and we can all eat together.
Everyone stay well and stay healthy.

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