Silent blog from war zone: best game in the world

in blurtimals •  2 years ago 

Hi, guys!

Yesterday I talked about my work planning system, and today I would like to say a few words about what I get distracted by.

I am a very, very social person. Communication tires me, and in my personal experience, it often only takes time instead of carrying something useful with it. Even when I don’t communicate with anyone for several days, and sometimes weeks at all (and this is not difficult when you work at home), I don’t feel discomfort from this, quite the opposite. Only occasionally can I feel the need for socialization, but for this a very long time must pass.

But there is one thing that has been the backbone of my social life for over three years now, and that is DnD. Once upon a time, I saw an advertisement for a DnD club on Instagram and decided - why not? And it was one of the best decisions of my life. At first my husband said "OK, why don't we play like once a month", but it immediately turned into a weekly event. Every Friday night we get together with now good friends to continue our story.

At first we played live, at the table, and now we play online through roll20, where we switched after the covid pandemic. There they have remained until now, with pleasure again and again continuing the story. During this time, we played two campaigns for a year and a half each, and now we are playing the third one.

A side effect - after getting to know DnD, any other board games seem to be absolutely nothing. But they are no longer needed :)





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