Boom! Boom! Baby boom-boom!

in blurtimals •  2 years ago 

Hi my dear friends!
Less than a day later we got our electricity back. Compared to the previous two months, this is a significant progress! Although, of course, I'm just trying to joke. We are infinitely grateful to our public utilities for doing everything in their power to provide us with a civilized existence despite the war and bad weather. 🤗

Yesterday I promised to tell you about my pigeons and show you short videos. Unfortunately, the bad weather deprived us of electricity and the Internet and I could not download them because my mobile Internet is too weak. But now I have such an opportunity.

So, I discovered several nests at once! However, one should hardly be surprised ... I have repeatedly repeated that neither cold weather, nor the walking dead, nor the Apocalypse, nor war, nothing can save my pigeons from sex and reproduction!

So number one! Sports dove. Despite being unable to fly due to a wing injury, it has become resourceful and nested right on the floor of the enclosure. My appearance, as you can see, was received very aggressively. Don't you dare touch my eggs! 😡

The second nest belongs to red pigeons. They greeted me more hospitably. It even seemed to me that the bird likes to pose and proudly shows two wonderful white eggs - its children. But the denouement was unexpected. After spinning around in front of the camera, the bird went out, leaving me to nurse the eggs myself 😁

You may remember this family. I can confidently say that these are the most stupid birds I have ever seen! This is their fifth or sixth clutch. They managed to lose all the previous eggs!!! I don't know how they did it, but it's a fact. This time they laid the eggs... into the grain bowl... and now they're trying to hatch them all together! If they succeed, it will be a real miracle! Then I'll definitely organize a beer party to celebrate it! 🍻🍻🍻

But that's not all! I was quite sure that the war and a very cold spring would stop my ducks from breeding ducklings. Especially since it's not the time right now. And then, quite by accident, I discovered that my wild duck not only made a clutch, but even lined the nest with its fluff! Of course, I couldn't disturb the mother-to-be, who had already done such a great job. What is good with wild ducks is that in autumn all the ducklings will simply fly away and live on their own.


I was even more surprised by the behavior of Whitehead. She constantly climbs into the enclosure where the seagulls live and sits there. By the way, I have no idea how she does it! And now the mystery of her behavior seems to be solved.


I found another nest in the yard! But, unlike the wild duck, which shows herself to be a very responsible mother, Whitehead does her best to shirk taking care of her eggs. 😁


As you can see, my dear friends, life goes on. And although there are still many trials ahead of us, I believe in our victory.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Happy to see the animals are doing well now

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Continued prayers for the Ukraine. 🇺🇦… Canada 🇨🇦 will help rebuild.

Thank you, my dear friend!