The world waits your action - Blurthumanity

in blurthumanity •  3 years ago 

Hello Blurt friends! Welcome to the new community on blurt. It is a humanitarian community that supports people to do good for their fellow human beings in particular, and with other living beings.

#BLURTHUMANITY is a new community that still expects support from all of you so that this community can develop well and can benefit everyone. In this community you can share about helping fellow humans, helping animals, preserving nature and so on which are considered good deeds and have a high human spirit. The purpose of this community is to move the hearts of all of us to do good by seeing the actions of others.

We believe that the world is not short of good people, it's just that it lacks people who support and show kindness. This is not showing off, this is an act of asking to do good. When we see other people can, why can't we? Let's take a position and be part of the good people. Don't be afraid, the slightest kindness will get you in return. These are some photos when I gave a small donation from the zakat of our brothers from Malaysia to be distributed to the poor and orphans.

Although I can't give more, but I'm very happy to be able to participate and get a part to do good. Support this community to grow and be a part of it.






The world awaits your action!

About Author:


Muchsin Alman

I come from Aceh, Indonesia. I was born in October 1994. I am a trader in several Crypto markets, besides I am also a writer of fiction and poetry. .
I focus on charity and humanitarian work. I think I will take advantage of technological advances such as Blockchain and Cryptocurency to be able to help others. And this is my goal, because for me there is no single satisfaction eternal apart from the satisfaction of seeing the smiles of others because of us.

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