Motivation and discipline [ESP / ENG]

in blurthispano •  2 years ago 


Hoy leyendo la publicación de @geeklania [EN/ES] Unable to deliver due to external reasons, me alegré mucho por el, haber logrado escribir una publicación diaria durante 2 meses no es tarea fácil, se que no fue sencillo pero lo logró y lo felicito por eso.

Esto me hace pensar en mi misma y en lo que mucho que me cuesta incorporar rutinas nuevas a mi vida, no importa de que se trate, si no es algo obligatorio me es muy difícil ser constante y en muchas ocasiones cuando pongo todo de mí algo externo se interpone. Por ejemplo, las veces que intento incluir una rutina de ejercicios a los 3 días se me olvida. La última vez o estaba logrando y enfermé, así que no pude continuar.

He leído algunos artículos y visto algunos videos motivacionales y varios autores coinciden en que no se trata de motivación, sino de disciplina porque la motivación viene y va pero la disciplina es constante.

Estoy de acuerdo con este planteamiento y es lo que me sucede, me falta disciplina, porque incluso para publicar en Blurt debo sentirme motivada para que las palabras fluyan, de caso contrario me puedo sentar durante horas frente a la pantalla y no escribir ni una sola letra.

En la vida necesitamos de ambas cosas motivación y disciplina. La motivación es la chispa que nos hace arrancar, con lo que tenemos ideas y nos planteamos retos y objetivos. Mientras que la disciplina es la que nos mantiene en el camino correcto cuando la motivación se va. Con disciplina somos constantes en el cumplimiento de nuestros deberes y en esas tareas que nos hemos propuesto llevar a cabo día a día para lograr nuestros objetivos.

Así que he llegando a la conclusión que necesito un poco más de disciplina en mi vida, últimamente me he sentido débil y sin ganas de hacer muchas cosas, tal vez a causa de que he estado enferma recientemente, o que esta haciendo mucho calor en mi ciudad, además en el trabajo los aires acondicionados están dañados, quizás sea la edad, mi cuerpo ya no es el mismo.

Sea cual sea la causa de este cansancio, debo ser más disciplinada y observarme un poco más a mi misma para tomar las acciones necesarias para sentirme mejor. Se que el tiempo no pasa en vano pero veo personas de más edad y con muchas mas ganas que yo jajaja. Además tengo varias metas que quiero cumplir y si solo me quedó sentada como una pereza no las lograré.


Today reading @geeklania's post [EN/ES] Unable to deliver due to external reasons, I was very happy for him, having managed to write a daily post for 2 months is not an easy task, I know it was not easy but he did it and I congratulate him for that.

This makes me think about myself and how hard it is for me to incorporate new routines to my life, no matter what it is, if it is not something mandatory it is very difficult for me to be constant and many times when I put all of myself something external gets in the way. For example, the times that I try to include an exercise routine after 3 days I forget it. The last time I was getting there and I got sick, so I couldn't continue.

I have read some articles and watched some motivational videos and several authors agree that it is not about motivation, it is about discipline because motivation comes and goes but discipline is constant.

I agree with this approach and that is what happens to me, I lack discipline, because even to publish in Blurt I must feel motivated so that the words flow, otherwise I can sit for hours in front of the screen and not write a single letter.

In life we need both motivation and discipline. Motivation is the spark that makes us start, with which we have ideas and we set ourselves challenges and goals. While discipline is what keeps us on the right track when motivation goes away. With discipline we are constant in the fulfillment of our duties and in those tasks that we have proposed to carry out day by day to achieve our goals.

So I have come to the conclusion that I need a little more discipline in my life, lately I have been feeling weak and unwilling to do many things, maybe because I have been sick recently, or that it is very hot in my city, also at work the air conditioners are damaged, maybe it is the age, my body is no longer the same.

Whatever the cause of this tiredness, I must be more disciplined and observe myself a little more to take the necessary actions to feel better. I know that time does not pass in vain but I see people older and with much more desire than me hahaha. I also have several goals that I want to accomplish and if I just sit around like lazy I won't achieve them.

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Lo de la disciplina tiene mucho de cierto. Cuando autopublicaba, me cansaba rápidamente de escribir. Pero casi cada vez que me obligaba a empezar a escribir rápidamente, algo en mi interior se imponía y las palabras salían más rápido de lo que escribía.

También noté lo mismo con el trabajo físico duro. Cuando era joven y exigía que todavía tuviera mi tiempo de fiesta después de trabajar en dos empleos, a menudo me las arreglaba con 2-3 horas de sueño. A los pocos momentos de estar en el trabajo y abordar el levantamiento más pesado de mi día estaría completamente despierto y en mi ranura.

Te deseo suerte y recuerda que todo es cuesta abajo después de ese primer paso o dos.

There is much truth to the discipline thing. Back when I was self publishing I quickly grew tired of writing. But almost every single time I would force myself to start typing quickly something inside would take over and the words would come quicker than I type.

I noticed the same with hard physical labor as well. When I was a young man and demanded I still have my party time after working two jobs, I often got by on 2-3 hours sleep. Within moments of being at work and tackling the heaviest lifting for my day I would be wide awake and in my groove.

I wish you luck and remember it's all downhill after that first step or two.

How did the self-publishing go? I've always thought you find it very easy to write.

It's true that after the first steps everything is easier.

Thanks for your words

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How did the self-publishing go? I've always thought you find it very easy to write.

It went well actually, and I still receive small royalties from it. I chose the low hanging fruit which was short erotica. It was a churn requiring about 5-7000 words per day to achieve what I did when I quit, which was 2000 USD + per month.

It felt like I was writing the same thing again and again, only changing the names and how they were meeting etc.

I do seem gifted with an ability to write however. When I start it flows as if something else is writing it. The issue I had was twofold, which short erotica helped greatly with. Typing so fast with my at times horrible grasp of sentence structures means more care needs placed on editing than some writers. Which at times is horribly obvious in my posts here at Blurt.

I had an editor critique my work, and her advice was to keep at it the way I was and if I ever decided to go all in on novels to have an editor go over the work, as my strength was writing fast. She said my mechanics weren't as horrible as I felt they were and that most editors would feel my work was something they could work with.

Thankfully for myself I discovered a few things. One, some mechanics do get better with practice. Two, when self editing using a text to speech program to listen to the words helps one discover many grammar mistakes. Three, when it comes to short erotica most of the reader base has a worse grasp on mechanics that I do, hahahahaha.

I've considered getting back into it this year, as my old catalog from years ago still has sales and news me 150.00-250.00 a month in royalties. New material is always the best advertisement for old material. And i learned a lot about manipulating some of the ebook algorithms and how to build up an email list to help manipulate them with real readers who take advantage of ones promotions. There are a lot of hats in self publishing, not just writing. There's ebook cover creation, marketing, understanding each book store is like its own search engine with its own unique rules etc.

wow! It seems that this self-publishing thing is a whole world. It's great that you still get royalties for your work. I'm sure it will be easy for you to come back, you have more experience now and I'm sure you'll come up with new ideas for your stories.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Si, al final es sentarse y ejecutar la tarea si o si. Aunque suene feo, es la realidad. Si empiezo a dar vueltas no escribo nada, por ello me siento con música e inicio escribiendo, aunque muchas veces borre párrafos enteros. Eso sí, para iniciar necesito una idea base no importa que tan pequeña sea, con lo cual todo se resume en disciplina como bien dices.

Gracias por leerme

Eres ejemplo a seguir en estos momentos 😀

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If you hodle your blurts till their 1$ for example you just made $198÷2. What we get now, in future, we get paidbvery handsomely in the long term.

I get the vibe your coming from. I too struggle to find that will turned into action and into a new post. I try to look at everything for a topic. Even a color of a shirt can be made into a post.

Adding pictures, drawing, charts, etc helps catch the eyes of the reader and keeps them reading. Usually a body of texts that covers the screen once, then a picture then another body of text, picture, text etc is what I have seen. Many have low attention span and I blame the lack of discipline to be not so attatched to our devices for that. The motivation is there. Its just a state of mind. Your head is a radio that just needs to be in tune with the right frequency. How to change the tune is in a place behind a master locked door that one already has the key to unlock. imo.

Even right nownI am stressing about what to write next. Sometimes reading a post gives me all that I needed.

you ask a good question.

What are we searching for? what details do ee need? What do we feel the need to express. Write it down. Type it. whichever younhave handy. carry a small notebook with you at all times. Just write. doodle whatever. It doesnt matter. The important psrt is to keep those thoughts coming out till the good stuff arives. it may even take months. But once one is consistent, habits develope and then it turns into discipline.

Work hard. Yes, sometimes it will feel like a suffering thing to do when it comes to writing. that is ok. Write it down lol.

Thank you very much for commenting. It is true that when we have the inspiration any topic or any situation can become a publication we just have to focus and make it a habit.

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Consistently doing what we do here is surely not an easy thing to do. Like you said, it takes discipline. It also takes passion to be able to do this because if you enjoy being a writer, it will be easier to come up with decent topics to write on.

I hope you find what exactly works for you. Okay?

I also noticed that you got to write about this after reading a post by @geeklania. This shows that reading is also a good way to gain the inspiration to write.

To wrap it up, I hope you get to share more of your posts on Twitter just like you shared this one. Well Done

Yes, indeed, reading about other topics can inspire us, since reflecting on them can give rise to other ideas. Thanks for commenting.

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O yes mam, @geeklania is one of the most consistent Blurt bloggers. He is in my following list and I observe his blogs daily.
And you have explained motivation and discipline very nicely. Thanks mam for this nice blog.

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I'm glad you read geeklania too. Thanks for always reading and commenting on my posts.

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Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Absolutely right, to write and post regularly is very difficult task. But countinuty is the key to success in any field. At the same time, I am sad that you're not very well. May you get well soon.

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Thank you for your words, I'm fine now and I hope to continue like this. I also hope to be much more consistent in my writing.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is nice to hear that you want to be more consistent with your writing. You are awesome blogger, it will be an enjoyment to read your blogs.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations your post has been curated by @blurt-india .

Use our tag #blurtindia .

Support our couration account by delegating some of your blurt power to blurt-india

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Esta publicación ha recibido el voto de @blurthispano.
Te invitamos a usar el tag #blurthispano. Nos puedes encontrar en Discord.

Curado manualmente por Geeklania.

Te invitamos a votar por @blurthispano como Witness.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh guao justo me siento muy identificada con esto, últimamente tengo momentos de motivación elevados pero en el día a día esa motivación no está, considero que la disciplina es mucho más útil en nuestra vida porque es lo que nos puede llevar lejos, el hecho de cultivar hábitos y rutinas que podamos seguir diariamente con constancia aunque no es nada fácil aprender a ser disciplinado 😩.

Últimamente escribo diariamente en mi blog pero fallo con las interacciones, intento leer a otros pero cometí el error de no responder sus comentarios y ya no me visitan, ni modo veré que hago está semana para recuperar a mis pocos lectores jaja.

Buen post, me identifico!

Te felicito por escribir a diario, es un gran paso, pero es muy importante las interacciones. Lo que puedes hacer es revisar las notificaciones a diario para poder responder a los que te comentan.

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Te entiendo @vickyguevara a mi me pasa igual. Realmente publicar en plataformas descentralizadas es para mi un pasatiempo que disfruto no es mi fuente de ingreso principal. Trabajo a diario y pues trato de publicar en lo posible tanto como puedo y me lo permita la inspiración. Y seguiré haciéndolo de esa manera pues es como me siento cómodo. No obstante cada vez #Blurt se convierte en la plataforma donde mas me esta gustando estar. Saludos!

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