Blurt Microstory Contest || Noah and the Oceandrop

in blurthispano •  2 years ago 

Noah and the ocean drop

This story centers around Noah Lions. He leaves near an Island close to a vast ocean. Its been like life in a tropical Island of paradise if you could even imagine. Festivals, natural meals and delicious recipes. However one would say the best part about it is the ocean. The call of the ocean that people would want to spend time surfing swimming deep diving and interacting with the wild life inside.

In this somewhat paradise and being brought up there Noah finds himself unable to surf and that is what he feels calls to him. Ever since an incident in his childhood when he tried to learn to swim but almost drowned he stayed clear of the water. But even though he still hears the oceans call. Whenever he is with friends he would go close to the shores and play around in water so they would not pic up that fact and he would just simply say he is not interested in swimming all across the deeper parts.
One day he laid on a surf board and paddled slowly going further into the ocean. He remained there watching the beauty of the horizon. It was a beauty to capture the view of the ocean and sky.

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He was imagining what it would be like to surf with the others in the surfing festivals. And one was close by in 5 days. His Uncle Mike was a regular winner.

All of a sudden he saw a blue light in the water. It was like a glowing droplet of water. He was stunned and wanted to go back. But the more he looked at it it was like he could hear a harmonious melody and the droplet drifted closer to him and was coming close to the top of the water. It stopped just where he could dip his hand in and touch. Still unsure he touched it and all of a sudden he finds himself in a drop and a maiden right next to him and they were in the water.

Image source: my art

Startled he was but she held his hand and told him to breath. 'Be calm" she said. She told him he can go back anytime if he wants to. After a short while his mind calmed and he asked what was happening. She explained she is a water spirit and he is inside the droplet he touched. The droplet is not visible to those outside unless the ocean wants them to see. That's why he saw the glow and she noticed and came closer. They exchanged names and hers was Calm. She told him she doesn't have a specific name but she is a creature called an ocean drop and characterized as calm, so that's where she gets the name.

As time passed he went back that day and came the next and they talked and became friends and he explored the world under water with her. He told her how he doesn't swim and always dreamt of surfing and being in the ocean like they are now. So she took it upon herself to teach him. A lot happened that day as she cleared his fear of drowning out of the way since they could go deep in the water in her drop. She told him the key to surfing is to be one with the waves with the ocean he should follow its pattern and not fight it. And she demonstrated with the motion of the droplet they were in.

While in her demonstration the clouds became heavy and a heavy storm was to fall and tides became violent. It was a scary site even if he was in a drop but still in that water and it was too late for him to get back home. To Calm it was the perfect opportunity to fully show Noah to be one with the ocean.
She told him to be calm and watch and feel as she moves with the stormy tides while still going where she wants but without fighting the current. So the moved and moved as the storm went about it was like dancing in the ocean.

Then she started singing

when the storm comes stirring up the water tides below
You'll be okay you'll be alright just take a breath.
Don't try to fight it don't try to think just use your heart and feel.
Cause when your in the roaring tides you'll be okay you'll be okay
The ocean drop is by your side
And we'll ride through the waves
We're dancing with the ocean a magic to see.
A melody I feel within my soul.
So when your in the ocean storm
just dance with the tides
You'll be okay you'll be alright you'll be okay.

And they continued till the storm ended. The next two days he went in the evening for his surfing training as he has learnt how to swim already.
And then as the ended their meeting she told him he needs one more day to be ready but the next day was the tournament provided the natural conditions was met and it wasn't so that was a luck for him to complete his training. The tournament is help close to a storm day between either of the two days because they believe that's the day the great water spirit creature pass their shores that's why the storm and waves and phenomenon of that day always seemed magical if they are not in place it means the spirit was yet to arrive and they wait the next day. To them its not just a tournament but a day to surf with the ocean spirit.

So the day of the tournament is finally here. Noah was a bit anxious but calm. And his friends who have not seen him surf no anyone was surprised to see he was participating. The winner is decided by who can stay on his board the longest when the waves get rowdy and also surfs beautifully. So everyone was ready the winds were blowing of a storm and the tides where just right as expected for that special day.

The whistle blows and off they go on the board. Waited for the first wave to wash and off the go standing on their boards surfing through in almost unity. Then and unusual phenomenon occurred as the winds got more violent strong like a very heavy storm would fall. All the contestants were still daring to proceed and were having fun. As it got more serious one by one the fell off and Noah was about to fall of his balance then like he could here her melody and noticed Calms glow of her droplet keeping up with his board. He regained his balance and could here her singing louder and drifted more into the trance like no one else was there. And just him and her.
So he joined in her song as he did what most would deem impossible, surfing in the storm

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They sang(this time replacing the you with I)

Cause when I'm in the roaring tides I'll be okay I'll be okay
The ocean drop is by my side
And we'll ride through the waves
We're dancing with the ocean a magic to see.
A melody I feel within my soul.
So when I'm in the ocean storm
just dance with the tides
I'll be okay I'll be alright I'll be okay.

And as they sang for the first time in ages they whole community saw a glimpse of the great water spirit as it was bigger than a whale . It shortly showed some parts of its body above water and dived back in going. And Noah then surfed back to shore. He was being applauded as he was magnificent and first to successfully surf a very heavy storm like that.

That day was remembered in history of the people as they saw the great spirit and witness a surfing miracle and Noah was a hero to them for they believed his surfing and connection to the ocean was so beautiful it drew the great spirit out to honor him. For Noah he felt alive and earned himself the best friend he could ever think of, Calm

The end

Link to contest:


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