Among so many pokemon that exist I decided to select this one to draw even though I don't know its name; and I selected it because of its design.
This drawing is made entirely with graphite pencils.
What do you think of the final result?
Materials used:
- Recycled sheet.
- Pencils 2H, HB, 3B, 6B.
- Eraser.
- Pencil sharpener.
Entre tantos pokemones que existen decidí seleccionar este para dibujar a pesar de no saber el nombre; y lo seleccione por su diseño.
Este dibujo esta hecho totalmente con lápices de grafito.
¿Qué les parece el resultado final?
Materiales usados:
- Hoja reciclada.
- Lápices 2H, HB, 3B, 6B.
- Borrador.
- Afilador de lápiz.
Source of the images
All images were captured with my Sony Cybershot camera.
You draw way better than me lmao
Thank you for your comment, my friend. Regards.