Five ways to reduce belly fat

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Eat foods rich in soluble fiber: Soluble fiber stays in our stomachs for a long time. As a result, you will not get hungry frequently, you will feel full for a long time Usually the amount of fiber is more in vegetable food So eat more fruits and vegetables, of course, your body will get the necessary nutrients in addition to fiber



Prohibit all sweet and soft drinks: Try to stay away from bottled soft drinks, homemade soft drinks, squash, etc. No sweets, fruit juices and energy drinks Sugar is half glucose, half fructose and is metabolized in our liver. The more sugar you eat, the more fructose will accumulate in the liver and over time the liver will turn it into fat. Multiple studies have shown that eating extra sugar is bound to build up fat in your liver and stomach Only then will the body develop resistance to insulin, and more metabolic disorders will occur. However, when you hear fructose, do not think that there is a ban on eating fruit There are many health benefits to chewing whole fruit, so the negative aspects of fructose are eliminated. Remember, sugar is hidden in any packaged food, even in foods labeled ‘Health Food’!

Increase protein levels: For those who want to lose weight, try a diet rich in protein in consultation with a dietitian. Excess protein will prevent your hunger, increase your metabolism rate. . If you feel that your body is not properly absorbing protein even after you have it on your diet, you may want to consider using a protein supplement.

Reduce the amount of carbohydrates: It is a big mistake to cut out carbohydrates altogether. However, we develop the habit of eating extra carbohydrates we need, especially refined carbohydrates such as flour and grilled foods. That must be changed

Exercise is a must: If you follow these restrictions, you will not be able to get the desired results. Exercise, but we are not just talking about abdominal exercises Any cardio exercise plays an important role in weight loss Choose from swimming, walking, running ৷ You can also try high or low intensity interval training.

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