20 Signs to Call Your Doctor When Pregnant

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


Pregnancy can be a puzzling stage. With so many physical and emotional changes taking place, it is normal to feel anxious and confused. You may get a feeling from time to time that something is not right, especially if you are a first-time mom. These uncertainties are typical and most pregnant women may not be bothered by them.

However, pregnant women should be attentive to certain signs which may warrant medical consideration. In any case, even if there is the slightest doubt, it is sensible not to take any chances and contact your doctor immediately.

When to Call The Doctor in Pregnancy?

Pregnant women need to know when to see a doctor during pregnancy. Here is a list of 20 signs that may become reasons to go to the hospital while pregnant


Painful Urination:

Urinary tract infection (UTI) or painful urination is quite common during pregnancy because the growing uterus can hamper the proper drainage of urine from the bladder, leading to an infection. If a pregnant woman experiences pain or a burning sensation while passing urine, she will require medical treatment.

Change in Urine Colour:

During pregnancy, if you notice that your urine looks darker in colour, or appears cloudier than the normal light, yellow colour it should be, contact your doctor He may then advise a urine test to determine the cause of the change in colour. Darker urine may also be a sign of dehydration.

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