Can Twitter Analyze Food Security, Social Determinants of Health?

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Twitter is a great place for consumers to vent their anger about not getting a hold of the latest holiday Starbucks cup, or to see some cheeky replies from their favorite fast-food chains. It also happens to be a useful place for public health researchers to learn about food security, health disparities, and the social determinants of health, according to a new study from the University of Michigan Medical School.

Specifically, Twitter helped public health researchers learn more about the types of foods certain neighborhoods consumed, individuals’ attitudes around certain types of foods, and the health outcomes they might experience due to diet.

“We wondered whether Twitter-based analysis could help us understand communities better,” V.G. Vinod Vydiswaran, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Learning Health Sciences at the U-M Medical School, said in a statement.

Can Twitter Analyze Food Security, Social Determinants of Health?
The study outlined popular food discussions in certain neighborhoods, helping to link food security and the social determinants of health.
twitter use can reveal social determinants of health information
Source: Thinkstock

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By Sara Heath
[email protected]

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