Stay Hydrated this Summer- Some Healthy Tips

in blurthealth •  5 years ago  (edited)


As Summer wears down, proper hydration is still very relevant. Improper hydration can lead to underperformance, dehydration and injury.

If you are improperly hydrated, your muscles and tendons may become injured due to a lack of elasticity. With hydration being such a key and often overlooked aspect of life, health and fitness, here are some hydration tips.

Make sure you hydrate before, during and after exercise, work and sport. It is key to learn you individual hydration requirements. Age, health status, activity level and diet may impact how much water you will need.

Eat more fruit and vegetables during the Summer. These contain water naturally and make your body more efficient in processing waste and utilizing enegy. Avoid sugary or alcoholic drinks before or immediately after sports and exercise.

Perform sports during the early morning or later at night. Make sure you are aware of the hottest times of the day where you live. Some regions of the country that are further North may peak in the late afternoon, while others closer to the equator may experience peak heat around noon. Learn the heat patterns where you do sports, particularly if you travel.

Consult a physician and get an annual physical to learn about your health status, BMI and hydration requirements. Stay hydrated and cool as the Summer wears down.

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