We need to do something to survive the coronavirus

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

The biggest terror in the world right now is the coronavirus. Tiny germs. But what a terrible power it is. At the very top of the food chain, the people who are proud of their civilization and power are left with nothing. ‘Ebola’ hurt a lot when my eldest son was born. Now Corona is doing at the time of the baby's birth.


Now let's talk about something urgent.

First of all, scientific conversation.

The first step in surviving any virus is to try to find out the details. The HIV virus is spread through sex or blood. Not by sneezing, coughing or touching. So do not associate with an HIV-infected person, do not associate with a patient infected with an airborne virus (such as corona, Ebola, etc.).

Try to avoid public transport. Try wearing a mask. Before touching anything, keep in mind that there may be deadly germs.

Handle any fever, runny nose, cough, etc. with extra care. Consult a doctor. Don't go for medical treatment yourself.

If you see your child has a fever, do not send him to school. My son's school rules are the same (the same rule as in American schools). If the last time the fever was recorded at 11 a.m. the previous day (in this case 100 degrees Fahrenheit body temperature), you can go to school after 11 a.m. the next day. The school does not bother about this. A written letter from a doctor has to be submitted to the school to prevent fraud. With a written letter or e-mail signed by the parent, knowing that their child was ill. The school authorities of our country also need relaxation in this regard.

In addition, if a student is diagnosed with fever at school, he is immediately sent back home. Attempts are made to keep the school-college flu free through the joint initiative of teachers and parents.

If you get sick yourself, don’t go to the office. Someone in the office can get the flu through you. You might survive. Whoever is attacked, he may not live. So never take such a risk. In this case, the office boss has to be a little relaxed. In their own interest.

If you see someone in the office having a fever / cold / cough, be sure to talk at least five feet away from them. Do not approach. He will touch whatever he touches, beware. Don't forget to touch them. Disinfect with sanitizer. I would have been very shocked by the behavior of the first foreign colleagues in this country. I felt like I belonged to an untouchable community in a racist society. But later I realized that I would not pay his hospital bill, nor would I take care of his children if they were orphans. Take care of yourself, that's what they're doing.

It is very normal to go to see a pregnant woman or a newborn baby. If you or someone in your family has a fever, a cold, or a cough, do not go to see the child, no matter who your relatives are. Let the child's parents know that no one is sick at home. If a pregnant woman has the flu, she may have a miscarriage. So if the pregnant woman has a fever, go to the hospital emergency immediately.

Meanwhile, newborns are very weak. It goes without saying that they do not have immunity. In this case, your touch, kiss and breathing can result in a fatal infection of the child. Be a little responsible yourself. You can express your love for the baby without taking it in your arms. Do that. Do not touch the newborn under any circumstances without disinfecting the hands thoroughly (without washing with sanitizer or soap).

Maintain cleanliness. Wash your hands with soap after eating or not, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap and disinfect for at least twenty to thirty seconds before eating and then eat the food. In the flu season, you must eat knowingly. Don't eat food that you have no idea about. The restaurant chef has washed his hands and cooked or the kitchen is very clean and tidy, there are no rats or cockroaches living there, don't be sure about the restaurant food. There is no question of eating open food outside. It is best to eat home-cooked food. It's under your control.

The hadith says, ‘If a city has been hit by an epidemic, don’t go there. And if you see your city plagued, do not leave the city. '(Al-Bukhaari (5739) and Muslim [2219])

When this hadith was written, people were even more helpless against these viruses. Couldn't even identify who happened, who didn't. Therefore, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) instructed that nothing should be allowed to spread the virus. The Chinese government has made the right decision. The whole city has shut down. Not letting anyone in or out.

Unless you are a doctor, or a nurse, or a member of the rescue team, please do not rush to see the jokes. Through you, the virus will enter your home, your city.

When the Europeans discovered America, they carried the European disease germs with their bodies. More than half of the Native American population was simply wiped out by the virus. The virus is so terrible. Take a look at the history of bubonic plague, Spanish influenza, etc. In this age of epidemics, more than a million people will be wiped out. It is doubtful whether so many people will die in the aftermath of World War III.

Many countries around the world are removing their citizens from the city. Of course, they are being filtered and removed through medical screening. America has removed its citizens, Germany has removed, France-Japan has also removed. More than four hundred citizens of Bangladesh were trapped there. Our government has also brought back most of them and put them in Hajj camps.

After filtering through medical screening, they will be released from the Hajj camp after a certain period of time. If anyone is infected, they will be treated there. In my opinion, this is the right decision. Because, if this disease enters a densely populated country like ours, disaster will come down. We are unable to prevent dengue, as far as Corona knows, more terrible.

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