The benefits of olives

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

There are many qualities of water hyacinth. This smooth and green looking fruit is sour to eat but its quality is quite sweet. In our country, this olive occupies a lot of space in pickle bottles. Not just pickles, olives should be eaten with different nutrients in mind. Let's know the properties of olives-


  1. Olive peel contains a lot of fiber or dietary fiber, which helps prevent cancer of various parts of the stomach such as small intestine, colon and colon and helps in proper digestion of this fiber.

  2. Contributes to maintaining proper blood circulation in the body. This reduces the amount of lipoproteins that are harmful to the body. The heart works properly.

  3. It contains high levels of Vitamin C and A. These two vitamins help to keep away various eye diseases. Keeps skin, hair, teeth, bones strong.

  4. This olive eliminates the problems caused by night blindness, eye drops and conjunctivitis.

  5. Regular olive eating reduces the amount of gallbladder stones, rheumatic pains or rheumatoid arthritis.

  6. Olives are also rich in natural anti-oxidants, which destroy the body's cancer germs and double the immune system.

  7. Olive oil is very beneficial for people of any age. Olive oil does not contain any fat or cholesterol. So there is no fear of fat or lipid accumulation in the blood. On the other hand, this olive also reduces the amount of fat in the blood.

  8. Olives contain high levels of antimicrobial agents. This ingredient kills germs in the body and also protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.

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