WHAT DID I DO TODAY? HOW TO Deal With The Disease? ✌️

in blurthealth •  4 years ago  (edited)


I was a little sick today and all day. I spent it covering a blanket. and that's why I addressed this topic.

Why do we get sick?

For me, the answer is simple. The immune system is impaired. There were many reasons for it to be corrupt. We can say that diet, sleep patterns, stress, anxiety, psychological disorders. Of course, every person gets sick, but the one who has a good immune system survives the standing and the bad one in bed. The best example we can give is coronavirus. He took our loved ones from our hands without saying the old or young

What can we do?

As I have done, the best example is eating food supplements and foods that contain vitamins.


Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eating things that strengthen our immunity. I know that regular sports also have an effect. Especially in winter, kiwi, pomegranate, tangerine and orange can be a good supplement in terms of vitamins.

Thank you for reading :)

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