in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Winter has come now. We are in bad days when flu and coronavirus are mixed together.


Maybe you can understand if your family has bronchitis.
You know that even the slightest flu disease has reached the point where you can't breathe. Bronchitis in my son. The disease begins with a small fever and becomes difficult until a runny nose, and then the inflammation reaches the lungs.


Breathing becomes difficult. And oxygen is required. To prevent this situation, I bought a nebulizer device at home. Of course, we give this under the doctor's control. But instead of going to the hospital and waiting there, we call and ask the doctor when he is sick. There is a medicine put on that round part, we put it. and draws air. It speeds up the healing process.

Rize bungalow house

This coronavirus is of course not the worst disease in human history. But if we consider the resistance of our body now compared to the past, we can say the worst. Because in the past, there were no such hormonal foods and drinks. There were no such threats to our immune system. Now everything we eat and drink is full of artificial ingredients. That's why we have low immunity to diseases.

I mean, if we want to get rid of these diseases, I think we should live in a forest where food is completely organic :)

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