Why now is the best time to jump-start your workout

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


We’re fast approaching the time of year when healthful eating is tossed aside for handfuls of candy corn, gut-busting turkey dinners and endless holiday parties. It gets harder to find the motivation to work out once the shorts and tank tops are packed away. And eventually you’ll tell yourself there is always the new year to start fresh.

But fitness experts say now is actually a great time to shake up your routine or start a new one. Having healthful habits in place or maintaining the ones you’ve already developed can keep you fit throughout the holidays.


If you adopt healthy habits now, when the stressful holiday season comes you’ll already be in the groove,” said Cedric Bryant, chief science officer at the American Council on Exercise. “There are a lot of benefits of a healthy lifestyle that can serve you well during that time — feeling more energetic or having a handle on stress.”

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