These are the 8 Causes of Your Neck Pain Often and how to deal with it.

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


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You may have a sore neck or shoulder that causes pain, stiffness, and tension. This is obviously very annoying.

The reason is, the stiffness that occurs in the neck makes you unable to move your head freely, and it takes a little struggle for you to just look. Not infrequently you have to turn your whole body so you can look around. However, if the stiffness in the neck occurs continuously and is not treated seriously, this can lead to more serious health problems.

The following is what often happens because you often feel sore in the neck ;

1. Injury

When you have a motor vehicle accident, sports accident, or fall, it is possible to cause injury to the neck. Without realizing it, due to injury, the muscles and ligaments in the neck are damaged so that you experience stiffness in the neck.

2. Inflammation of the joints

This autoimmune disorder affects the joints which can damage the tissue in your neck. This damage can cause pain and stiffness in the neck, usually at the top of the neck.

3. Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis or calcification of the joints is a condition caused by joint pain due to age. This condition can cause stiffness and limited movement in various joints, including the neck

4. Pinched nerve

A pinched nerve occurs due to arthritis, which is a narrowing of the spinal canal, or herniated disc. If you have a pinched nerve, it will cause your neck to become stiff and sore and sometimes even radiating from your arms to your legs.

5. Muscle spasms

Muscle spasms occur when your nerves send messages to your muscles causing them to contract. When you experience spasms in the neck muscles, this is what causes the neck to become stiff.

6. Meningitis

Meningitis is a serious and potentially life-threatening infection that attacks the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Having fever, headache, and stiff neck and soreness are common symptoms of meningitis.

7. Stress

When you are stressed, your muscles become tense. A stiff neck is often the first signal that you are feeling stressed.

8. Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a condition that makes sufferers feel intense pain all over the body. This condition is long lasting and often recurs with varying severity. The main symptom of this disease is feeling pain and pain like being stabbed.

Here's a simple way to deal with neck pain?

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1. Stretch exercise

Do simple stretching exercises such as moving your head up and down or from side to side, and from ear to ear. Do it slowly when you wake up, in between you work as a means of relaxation or just before bed.

2. Do a massage

You can do massage to a professional masseuse or with your partner. Perform massage gently on the neck using coconut or olive oil.

3. Choosing the right pillow

To reduce pain and stiffness in your neck, you need to choose the right pillow. Use a pillow that is designed for your neck. If your doctor allows it, try not to use pillows and sleep on your back.

3. Ice or heat therapy

Use ice to minimize pain when you experience symptoms of neck pain and inflammation for two to three days. After the symptoms have subsided, switch to using hot water wrapped in a container to be placed on the neck or used while bathing.

4. Choosing the right pillow

To reduce pain and stiffness in your neck, you need to choose the right pillow. Use a pillow that is designed for your neck. If your doctor allows it, try not to use pillows and sleep on your back.

5. Consult a doctor

If you experience neck pain that gets worse or doesn't start to get better in one to two weeks, talk to your doctor right away. The reason is that the doctor will immediately tell you when you may need more special treatment to relieve the symptoms you are experiencing.


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