How to Stop the Habit of Masturbation for Health

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

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It is true that masturbation is a normal part of sexual expression. Usually masturbation is done to relieve stress and help a person determine what they are enjoying sexually. However, if done excessively or become addictive, masturbation can become a problem.

In some cases, but masturbation can cause negative emotions or interfere with certain aspects of a person's life. For example, causing decreased sensual sensitivity, sexual dysfunction, to deep feelings of guilt.

Also, if someone limits their interactions with others or skips work to masturbate, it may be time to consider how to stop masturbating.

Although rare, masturbation can still cause skin irritation and swelling of the penis. If this is the case, you may need to stop masturbating for good.

The following are tips or ways to stop the habit of masturbating that you can try :

1. Avoid pornography

Reporting Medical News Today, exposure to pornography can trigger the desire to masturbate again and again. So, people who want to stop masturbating should be totally committed to avoiding pornographic movies, pictures, and websites.

If someone can put a barrier between themselves and pornography, it can help them break the habit.

Because now it is very easy to access pornography in just a few seconds. However, one can try to limit access to pornography by using filters on electronic devices to block certain types of content, such as pornographic material. And Make a commitment not to open the filter.

2. Keep yourself busy or stay active

Keeping yourself busy with positive activities will be very helpful for someone to fill their time that does not trigger the desire to masturbate.

Found the release of energy to replace time spent masturbating.

People may consider taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill, such as learning a musical instrument or trying a new sport. if Developing new goals can help a person refocus his energies and find joy and fulfillment in other things.

3. Seek professional help

If masturbation has a negative impact on a person's life, seeking advice from a mental health professional who specializes in human sexuality may help. Talking to the therapist or psychologist can be helpful in dealing with negative feelings and learning behavior modification strategies to stop masturbation.

4. Spend more time with other people

Some people may masturbate or masturbate because they feel lonely or have nothing else to fill their time. So spending less time alone reduces the chance to masturbate.

Spending time with other people not only keeps a person busy, it can also shift their focus.

There are several ways to reduce solitude.

People can meet up with friends or family, take music classes, or join a gym to stay social with others.

5. Sports

Exercise is an effective way to reduce tension and focus energy in a positive way.

Activities such as running, swimming, and lifting weights can strengthen the body and release endorphins that increase feelings of comfort.

Feeling happier and more relaxed can reduce the desire to masturbate frequently.

6. Find a support group

Compulsive or excessive masturbation can occur for various reasons, such as:

  • Untreated mental health conditions
  • Relationship problems
  • Limited view of sexuality
  • Poor sexual communication or conflict resolution skills
  • Cultural differences in sexual expression
  • Cultural and religious conflicts

Launching Health Line, getting support from a group of people who are trusted may be useful for some people to stop the habit.

Finding a support group can make room for someone who is addicted to masturbation to express anxiety and develop positive coping strategies.

When someone talks openly about their challenges, it is very possible that other people can help them feel recognized.

It can reduce feelings of guilt or shame associated with compulsive masturbation.

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Impressive document

Emm Thank you