4 How to Get Rid of Acne Scars and Black Spots Faster

in blurthealth •  4 years ago  (edited)

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4 How to Get Rid of Acne Scars and Black Spots Faster

Pimples and stubborn black spots can interfere with appearance. Some people even feel inferior because of these skin problems.

Many people try various ways to get rid of acne scars and black spots. Unfortunately, some of these methods are ineffective and sometimes can backfire on the body and skin.

Before discussing how to get rid of acne scars and black spots faster, it's a good idea to first understand the causes.

According to Healthline, pimples that appear can cause inflammation. This process is followed by the regeneration or formation of new skin cells to help the recovery process. Sometimes, these cells contain too much melanin. Melanin is what gives skin its color. When there is too much melanin, acne scars and dark spots can appear, or trigger post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Things that need to be understood, removing acne scars and dark spots is different. Scars are harder to come off and take longer for the scars to fade. Meanwhile, black spots tend not to cause long-term damage, and they are easier to fade.

Reporting Medical News Today, removing black spots from acne scars takes at least six to 12 months for the scars to fade. Whereas acne scars that are deeper can take years for the scars to fade.

There are several ways to get rid of acne scars and dark spots faster.

Here are some of them:

1. Use the right skin care products

One of the keys to getting rid of acne scars and dark spots is to avoid treatment products that can trigger dry and irritated skin. Also, make sure to use mild cleansers and lotions that don't clog pores.

It is no less important, limit sun exposure to prevent skin damage as well as speed up the process of scar healing.

Recommendations for some active skincare ingredients to get rid of acne scars and dark spots, namely: Niacinamide Retinol and salicylic acid, Vitamin C or ascorbic acid.

Natural ingredients such as licorice and mulberry Avoid using skin lighteners that contain mercury because it can damage the kidneys, nerves, and trigger poisoning.

2. Chemical peel treatment

Treatment chemical peels or chemical peels can remove dead, damaged skin cells. This process can also be a way to get rid of acne scars and dark spots faster.

Chemical peel treatments can help the skin regenerate process faster, so that the skin can be cleaner. However, make sure to do this treatment in a safe place and done by a dermatologist.

The reason is, this treatment involves applying a chemical solution directly to the face. Thus, it is vulnerable if it is not done by professional medical personnel.

3. Microdermabrasion treatment

Microdermabrasion is a treatment for exfoliating the skin with a specific tool. This treatment process aims to disguise acne scars or dark spots, while making the skin look smooth and firm. Microdermabrasion is usually recommended to treat dark spots on the face.

4. Laser treatment

Laser treatment can also be an alternative way to get rid of acne scars and dark spots faster. This treatment uses a laser to remove dead skin cells, while encouraging the regeneration of new skin cells to grow quickly.

Laser treatment is also the most effective at repairing deep acne scars or scars. Although the most effective, this treatment is relatively expensive compared to other types of treatment.

For those of you who are struggling to get rid of acne scars and dark spots, be sure to always be careful about using certain products. If using special care, make sure to do it in a safe place and get direct supervision from a dermatologist.


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