Art of Good Health Partnership Grant

in blurthealth •  4 years ago  (edited)

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VicHealth Partnership Grants

This is one of the new VicHealth Partnership Grants, which present new funding opportunities for a diverse range of organisations to propel community wellbeing and health promotion initiatives into unchartered territory with a multi-million dollar funding pool.

Explore which VicHealth Partnership Grants you could apply for here.

About this grant for Victorian councils
Key points:
Art of Good Health grants must be administered by a Victorian council
The focus of this grant stream is development of arts and creative-based solutions to our priority health challenges – increasing physical activity, preventing tobacco use, improving mental wellbeing, preventing alcohol harm, promoting healthy eating.
Funding will be available in two (2) stages. Stage 1 recipients will receive between $10,000-$15,000 to strengthen partnerships and develop project proposals over 3-4 months, commencingmid-2020. Stage 2 recipients will receive funding to deliver their proposed project over two years from late 2020.
Only those successful at Stage 1 will be eligible to apply for Stage 2 funding.
Note: if your organisation has been affected by recent bushfires and you require assistance to complete your application, please get in touch with the team at [email protected].
More information:
Arts and creative approaches have great potential to enhance health promotion strategies. They can meaningfully engage people with complex issues and generate new solutions, and they can increase community engagement alongside other strategies that are being used to address the health problem, such as policy change or organisational development.
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