Details about health care

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


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Health care

  1. The important indicators of human development and one of the basic human rights will be to improve the nutritional status and public health of the people in accordance with Article 18 (1) of the Constitution and to provide basic medical facilities to the people of all walks of life.
  2. Arrangements will be made to ensure health care for all irrespective of region, tribe, religion, caste and gender.
  3. UH & FWC will be established as `First referral center 'for primary health care. Ensuring easy availability of primary health care and acceptable quality medical care at village, union and upazila level. This will ensure the supply and maintenance of adequate manpower, advanced and usable equipment, medicines and other supplies.
  4. Every effort will be made to reduce preventable maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR). To this end, satisfactory measures will be taken to improve maternal and child health up to the union level and these safe and health friendly facilities will be provided in every village as soon as possible.
  5. The overall activities of national reproductive health development will be brought under the same framework and integrated activities.
    . To prevent diseases caused by arsenic contamination, concerted efforts will be made to properly identify arsenic affected areas, raise public awareness and find alternative sources of water.
    . Overall measures will be taken to provide clean water to the people of urban and rural areas, to build sanitary sanitation system and to prevent environmental pollution.
    . These laws will be amended to provide for penalties for the sale and supply of substandard and unhealthy food. An integrated food and drug administration authority will be set up to take necessary steps to protect the health of the people from substandard and adulterated food and medicine.
  6. Safe, environmentally friendly and cost-effective management of hospital waste will be ensured. Coordinated efforts will be made with the Ministry of Environment to prevent noise pollution in the adjoining areas of the hospital area.
  7. Necessary steps will be taken to provide food and nutrition to children and women by locally identifying the poor and helpless families of the country.
  8. Necessary facilities and infrastructure of government hospitals will be developed. Therefore, arrangements will be made to keep the management, environment and quality of services provided at the hospitals at a satisfactory level. The people will be informed, aware and motivated so that they can make full use of the facilities of the government hospital.
  9. Appropriate legislation and rules and regulations will be enacted regarding the regulation and management of medical colleges and specialized hospitals and public and private hospitals / clinics. Necessary assistance will be provided in this case.
  10. Integrated initiatives will be taken at national, regional and international levels to protect health from the adverse effects of climate change.
  11. The provision of health care, medicine, equipment etc. as emergency assistance to the disaster affected people will be ensured. Health related safety nets will be set up in disaster prone areas.
  12. People will be made aware of preventable diseases. Disease control programs will be coordinated through Surveillance with emphasis on disease prevention.
  13. Effective measures will be taken to include health education and disease prevention in the curriculum and to involve people from all walks of life in all immunization programs to control preventable infectious diseases.
  14. Industrial owners and entrepreneurs will be assisted to ensure medical care for the workers employed in the factories.
  15. Special services will be provided for the mentally, physically handicapped and elderly.
  16. Attempts will be made to provide satisfactory medical treatment of all international standards for all diseases within the country.
  17. Subsidies will be given to chronic, complex and poor patients. In this case, the social welfare fund of government hospitals will be strengthened.
  18. Research and diagnosis will be carried out to prevent the spread of malaria, kala-azar, filariasis and tuberculosis and drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in the area and the treatment of these diseases will be made more accessible to the people.
  19. Prevention of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) by WHO
  20. Achieve self-reliance in drug production and ensure availability of effective safe and quality medicines at affordable prices. Supportive policies will be adopted for technology transfer and development with the aim of locally producing high technology based medicines.
  21. Effective medicines for diseases like kala-azar, drug resistant tuberculosis (e.g. Inj.Amphotericin B) etc. will be co-produced locally.
  22. Strict enforcement of laws against production, storage, distribution and use of unapproved, adulterated and counterfeit medicines will be ensured.
  23. Appropriate importance will be given to increase the budget of curative health care and infrastructural development.
  24. Appropriate prevention, treatment and rehabilitation measures will be taken at all levels in a coordinated manner to reduce the incidence of diseases and premature deaths due to non-communicable diseases. Public-private partnerships will focus on raising awareness about major non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc., providing medical care, and promoting unhealthy diets and lifestyle changes.
  25. Current programs for prevention and control of infectious diseases such as respiratory infections, diarrhea, dengue, tuberculosis, etc. will be strengthened and further expanded.
  26. Maximum and optimal use of information technology will be ensured in the overall management of the health sector including medical services. Effective connectivity with global and regional information networks will be established to strengthen research and development services in the health sector.
  27. Awareness and strict and coordinated measures will be taken to eradicate smoking and drug addiction.
  28. Public awareness will be created through all religious leaders and the media to control HIV / AIDS and STIs (sexually transmitted infections). By carrying out a massive campaign, the people will be inculcated in religious values ​​and moderate living.
  29. The sector will be free from corruption in order to reach the doorsteps of the grassroots medical services.
  30. Government facilities will be further enhanced for the treatment of women injured in accidents, injuries, burns and violence. In this case non-governmental organizations will be encouraged.
  31. Adequate allocation will be made in the health sector in the national budget.
  32. Appropriate measures will be taken to deal with newly emerging diseases such as SARS, Avian Flu, Anthrax and recurrent diseases.
  33. Traditional medical methods will be science based and quality will be improved.
  34. Emphasis will be given on raising awareness of Medical Ethics in all areas of medical services and awareness will be created.
  35. Medical, education and training activities will be made more people-oriented and up-to-date as per the need. During the training of medical manpower, importance will be given to create awareness about the quality of service, sensitive treatment of patients, compassion and ethics.

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