This Is the Most Popular Healthy Eating Plan in America—No, It’s Not the Mediterranean Diet

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


You might not normally associate takeout food with clean eating, but Grubhub, a leader in the takeout marketplace, knows that plenty of people aim for healthy options, especially with summer right around the corner. The company recently announced the results of a study of the top trending healthy eating plans in the United States. And it’s not what you might think.


There’s no question that carbs have gotten a bad rap over the years — especially thanks to trendy diet plans like keto. This reputation stems from the fact that the foods with simple, refined carbs are easier to overeat than other good, complex carbs full of fiber and other nutrients.

You’ll find simple carbs in desserts, sugary beverages, condiments, sweetened dairy products, and white, refined grains like rice, pasta, and bread. Foods with sneaky sources of carbs (a.k.a. sugar) are absolutely everywhere — from those aforementioned beverages to energy bars and $16 pressed juices that line supermarket shelves. They're easier to overeat because they get readily absorbed into your bloodstream. What your body doesn’t need, however, gets stored in your peripheral tissues, a.k.a. your fat cells. Doing this regularly over time can lead to weight gain, so that’s why we consider carb-containing foods to be “fattening.


The key to longevity is being and eating healthy and keeping the body active.

Junk Fat, the kind you get from microwavable Fettucini, French fries, and Pizza is a primary contributor to coronary heart disease.Junk saturated & trans fats build Bad Cholesterol (LDL-Low Density Lipoproteins.LDL, in high amounts, leaves tiny particles of plaque inside your arteries.Over time, these tiny fat particles clump together to form fatty atheromas (fat clumps) that get stuck in your arteries, block blood flow, and decrease the amount of oxygen that can flow to your organs.

Heart attack, stroke, & diabetes are eventual results.

However… Replacing Junk fats with polyunsaturated plantfats found in seeds and nuts has been shown to significantly decrease the risk for coronary heart disease.

In fact, research indicates that cholesterol levels have been significantly decreased with a vegetable-and-fruit diet by 33%.

So if you want to see a change in body mass and the mid section, lower your cholesterol intake and eat more fiber, exercise and omega-3.

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