in blurthealth •  3 years ago 

Sometimes we learned faster, if being lectured by the victim of any incident, I want to use these contest, to bring to light the danger involved in the inability to take care of our tooth.

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When I was a child,I was a kind that like sugary things like sweet, sweet drink etc. And my parents loves me so much that, they provided all the things I needed, just because I was the first son after how many years of marriage. On a faithful day , my uncle came back for holiday, so he bought my favorite sweet ... The sweet was very big such that I can not finish it in a day ...and I can't give to anyone too trust little children na.


The funny part of the whole issue was that, I felt asleep with the sweet inside my mouth, and making any attempt to remove it .I will wake up.

So mum would always live it there to avoid disturbing ....
Guess what happened.... I had a company of friends visiting in the morning...those that won't beg you before coming, they just come to share with you. They were Ant, And I also observed that constant liking of this Sweet, Was actually causing danger to my fine tooth turning them brown, and pains in my gum. You will agree with me that there is need to take good care of our teeth.



i will start by explication of the terms, "CARE" as the word implies ... It could means close attention,concern, responsibility, maintenance, upkeep , treatment etc.

When talking about "HEALTHY", we are actually referring to a state of something that is free from fault,from disease, well being,in good trim, in good shape, in top form, in tip top condition. Now move to the main business. CARE OF A HEALTHY TOOTH. That means how can you care for your healthy tooth.
Caring for our tooth is more that brushing but it is essential too.
These are the things we need to maintain the good state of our tooth.


1 . Try as often as possible to remove the plaque that is left behind
after brushing from between the teeth and the gums.

2 . Try to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft bristled toothbrush and brush for at least 2minute. It would be advisable to use floride toothpaste, it help to strengthen and prevent tooth decay. lt's obtainable to replace ones toothbrush every 3 or 4 month.

3 . Eating of heathy diet, can also help a long way, failure to do this, you are likely going to have gum disease.

4 . Most time it is good avoid sweet and sweethen drink , alot of sweets increase the risk in cavity.

5 . It is observable that most smoker have the teeth and gum problem unlike the non smoker.

6 . visit your dentist frequently if observed anything.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you sir, I really appreciate