What is the effective way to lose weight?

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Intense exercise in a short period of time is much more effective for weight loss. This has been seen in a study. Known as High Intensive Interval Training or Hiit, this body weight loss rate is higher than long term exercise. The study, published in the British Journal of Sports Magazine, looked at 38 different experiments. Among the study participants, those who adopted this ‘hit’ method lost 27.5% more weight than others. According to researchers, this method may not be suitable for everyone. This is because it can increase some health risks, including high blood pressure.


A team of researchers from the Federal University of Gois in Brazil analyzed data from fitness training for 57 men and 522 women. This type of interval training is defined as cardiovascular exercise. So that there is intense physical exercise at repetitive short intervals, and less time interval between individual attempts. These include cycling, swimming, running and boxing or boxing. Thus the exercise routine of the body is compared with the comparatively long period of exercise. Which lasted at least 30 to 45 minutes. Those who did this interval training lost an average of 1.56 kg, and those who did long-term physical training lost an average of 1.13 kg. Although short-distance interval training is the most effective, researchers say there are some observations. However, moderate aerobics of 150 minutes per week, such as cycling or brisk walking, is recommended.

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