How beneficial are fruits of any color? You know?

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

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Many times the colorful fruit!

  1. Yellow-green fruit

Yellow and green leafy vegetables and fruits mean greens, watermelon, avocado, broccoli, kiwi, capsicum. Green leafy vegetables contain lutein gixathin antioxidant. This oxidant is very beneficial for those who have poor eyesight
Red color

The list of red fruits and vegetables includes tomatoes, watermelons, dried chillies, berries. This vegetable-fruit contains the antioxidant lycopene. These antioxidants help fight cancer.
Orange color

Orange fruits are not only delicious as food, they are also very nutritious. Orange fruits and vegetables mean oranges, carrots, lemons, pineapples, papayas. Orange fruits and vegetables provide the body with plenty of antioxidants and beta carotene. In addition, it replenishes vitamin A deficiency as well as enhances immunity.

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