Visiting my patients at Munyang Kute Hospital

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

My daily activity is visiting my patients who are hospitalized at Munyang Kute Hospital. Today, I visited ten patients. They were treated in the internal medicine ward and in the VIP room.


Recently, the number of patients visiting the hospital has decreased compared to before the Covid-19 pandemic. Their reason is that they are afraid of being diagnosed as Covid-19.

Of the ten hospitalized patients, four of them were patients with diabetes mellitus. Generally they are treated because of uncontrolled blood sugar levels. So they feel weakness, nausea, dizziness and tingling sensation. However, one patient taken to the hospital because of a drop in blood sugar levels which is called hypoglycemia. He was unconscious at home, then taken by his son to the hospital.

He is a patient with diabetes mellitus and routinely takes glimeperid medication. But in the last few days, the patient lack of appetite, but he still took the anti-diabetic drug. So that blood sugar levels dropped. When he arrived at the emergency room, his blood sugar level was 28 mg / dl. After being given 10% dextrose infusion and 2 bottles of 40% dextrose bolus, the patient's sugar level rose to 230 mg / dl, and the patient regained consciousness. And today I discharge him.


Kegiatan sehari-hari saya adalah visiting pasien-pasien saya yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Munyang Kute. Hari ini, ada sepuluh pasien yang saya visit. Mereka dirawat di bangsal penyakit dalam dan di ruang VIP.

Akhir-akhir ini jumlah pasien yang berobat ke rumah sakit menurun dibandingkan sebelum Covid-19 pandemic. Alasan mereka adalah mereka takut kalau memeriksakan diri di rumah sakit, mereka akan didiagnosis Covid-19.

Dari sepuluh pasien rawat inap, empat di antaranya adalah pasien dengan diabetes mellitus. Umumnya mereka dirawat karena kadar gula darah tidak terkontrol. Sehingga mereka merasakan lemas, mual, pusing dan kesemutan. Namun ada satu pasien datang ke rumah sakit karena kadar gula darahnya drop yang disebut dengan hipoglikemia. Dia sempat tidak sadarksn diri di rumah, lalu dibawa oleh anaknya ke rumah sakit.

Pasien ini adalah penderita Diabetes mellitus dan rutin minum obat glimeperid. Tetapi beberapa hari terakhir, pasien kurang nafsu makan, tetapi dia tetap minum obat anti diabetik tersebut. Sehingga kadar gula darahnya drop. Saat sampai di IGD, kadar gula darah 28 mg/dl. Setelah diberikan infus dextrose 10% dan bolus 2 botol dextrose 40%, kadar gula pasien naik menjadi 230 mg/dl, dan pasien pun tersadar kembali.

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