
in blurthealth •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hypoglycemia is a condition in which your blood is lack of sugar level (or lower than normal), that could make you unconscious or fainting. I really often treating patients with hypoglycemia. Most of the are diabetic patients who are using insulin as their therapy. However, not only insulin, oral treatment may also cause hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia may happen when your blood sugar lever is lower than 70 mg/dL.


Hypoglycemia is very dangerous, that could make someone die. When a diabetic patient who use insulin and got sweating, dizzy, or getting unconscious, he/she must be suspected to have hypoglycemia. If you are taking treatment of diabetes, you must be aware of these signs and symptoms. At home my drink sweet water like tea with sugar, lemon syrup, etc.

In hospital, I treat them by giving dextrose 10% fluid and dextrose 40% flush through IV line. If taken to the hospital immediately, the patients may be saved.

To prevent hypoglycemia, you have to check your blood sugar regularly, and you must know the symptoms of hypoglycemia. If you got the symptoms, you have to drink sweet water immediately, if there is no respond after drinking sweet water, you must go to hospital as soon as possible.

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