Diabetic polyneuropathy

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

During I practice as an internist I found almost all patients with diabetes develop polyneuropathy. Polyneuropathy is the damage of nerves throughout body of diabetic patients. Mostly the nerves affected are on the legs and hands. That’s why the patients will complain numbness and pain on the fingers and toes.


The complaining is quite difficult to solve. The most important is to make the blood sugar level controlled in normal range. I usually give the patients Gabapentine or pregabalin. Sometime, I also give them neural vitamin like mecobalamin and neurodex.

Polyneuropathy is one of diabetes complication. Patients with diabetes must be aware of this complication, since it may get worse, and may result in other complication like diebetic food (wound). The patients will not feel pain, that would make a sore or cut on foot.

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