Suicide ... A reminder to not take life with no consideration..

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

This is visiting be a protracted story, hope you'll be able to manage to induce through the top. Thanks for reading...

The phonecall

Yesterday I received a telephone call from an old colleague telling me he had some bad news. A former colleague had taken his life last week and yesterday he was found by the person notifying me about it (and the ex-girlfriend of the guy). For the past weeks, several people had been trying to contact him on several media to work out how he was doing, probably because we all had this gut feeling he wasn't doing so well after losing his job quite recently. Nobody could get a hold of him though, yesterday we revealed he all blocked us, except one person: his ex-girlfriend.

She explained to him that he was texting her while he was quite drunk to inform her he had blocked every single person he knew aside from her as she was the sole one that understood him. He wanted her to return to his apartment, where they once lived together for a really short time before he ended the link along with her. i do not know the main points about how and why, they are not important either. The thing is that she didn't want to return by as she said we aren't a pair anymore and that i want to assist you where I can, but from a distance. He also tod her that the animals (a dog and a cat) needed to travel, hearing this afterwards makes me feel he really planned on taking his life.

She kept persistent and didn't visit him, but kept up-to-date by text, he also threatened to require his own life in text to her, which I find so sad for her as he eventually did this and kept his word. This girl isn't responsible for him making this decission and that i can't imagine what she must be researching immediately. She cared enough about him to test on his well-being after not getting responses anymore as she knew she was the sole one that he didn't block, so she probably felt responsible.

Worried about his well being

As my colleague also felt worried seeing him in an exceedingly very bad state earlier that week and hearing from the ex-girlfriend that he also was taken by the police (to a detox facility) for twenty-four hours the day after Easter, they decided to travel check on him together. The ex stayed downstairs first, while the colleague knocked on the door and asked the neighbors if they saw him recently. The dog was whimpering and that they called the police to return. While they were waiting she could get a view through the kitchen window and there he was.. in sight.. hanging there.. :(

She was in total panic and shock and he said he never saw someone in this state, which I can imagine if you see a beloved (even if it's an ex) during this state. I'm very glad my colleague didn't look and won't have this picture of him there in his head because the situation is bad enough as is. you do not want anybody to work out this. He was clearly (logically) very upset that he was one among the people to search out him. He considered him an admirer.

When he noticed this guy was quite depressed and lonely, he visited him on Easter Monday, and possibly he was one in every of the last those that had seen him. He was wondering what he could have done to avoid this from happening, but i do not think this is often a choice you create overnight and he was very unhappy and also was an alcoholic for quite some years already. Although at the time he didn't want to continue the connection thereupon girl, he probably felt very lonely now during this corona lockdown period, and perhaps regretted some things that happened. He really tried to induce her back, and her not answering his request, was the last drop, so it seemed.

The animals were dehydrated and so he must are there for several days already, thankfully the animals survived and therefore the dog was taken (temporarily I think) by his ex, and my colleague took his cat with him. a minimum of they'll be taken care of, but it remains a awfully tragic story.

I wasn't close with him the least bit and still, it gets to me because it is a life that has been taken (even by his own decision) while he still had a life previous him. There aren't any winners during this story, only losers...

Live life to the fullest, it are often over tomorrow..

This story affected me personally as i noticed yet again that life is over in a very heartbeat, people are all busy considering the way to avoid getting infected with Covid-19, while others struggle with mental issues and also die (for several reasons). Personally, I never lost a friend/family or acquaintance for this reason, not having the ability to continue life anymore and seeing no other option than to require his or her own life. it is so sad. He must have felt so lonely.

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