Food Poisoning : Salmonella the dangerous bacteria

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

Salmonella is a microbe , rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae.

There are two species of Salmonella which are:

Salmonella enterica

Salmonella bongori

There are subspcies for boat species of Salmonella

Salmonella live in the intestinal tracts of animals especially mammals , including birds. Salmonella are usually transmitted to humans by eating foods contaminated with animal feces example is egg

Where can Salmonella bacteria can be found

although this bacteria can be found in most food which include:



  • fruits

  • beef



Can this bacteria be notice easily?

You can't see, smell, or taste this bacteria , so it is hard to discover if it's inside food/water or not , they are usually found in humans and animals intesine

What type of illness does it cause?

When Salmonella bacteria are in the body they pass through a person's stomach through the small and large intestine, spreading all over the intestinal tracts
There, the bacteria invade the intestinal mucosa and proliferate.

Illness from these bacteria is usually called salmonellosis. It can cause the followings

-A running stomach





-Abdominal cramps

-Pain in the intestine

Can Salmonella survive heat?

Generally the only way to kill bacteria by temperature is by cooking food at temperatures of 165 degrees or more

Although , salmonella can be killed by heating it to 131 F for one hour, 140 F for a half-hour, or by heating it to 167 F for 10 minutes

salmonella bacteria can survive cooking if the eggs are still runny depending on the level of the heat . In fact, Medical personnel and bodies/agency recommends using eggs that have been treated to destroy salmonella through pasteurization if recipes that require undercooking.

The body has many natural defenses against salmonella infection. For example, strong stomach acid can kill many types of salmonella bacteria also.

*Treatment for Salmonella

Illness from Salmonella is usually refer to as salmonellosis
Most people with salmonella recover in four to seven days and do not need treatment , especially those with diarrhea. During the illness, the person should drink plenty of fluids to replace the fluid lost but if more than a weak then the person need medical attention or hospitalize

After been diagnosed, antibiotics maybe recommend by medical personnel, using of antidiarrhea and been hydrated


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