Today I've seen a series of video's, stories and emails which seem to point to the fairytale being unveiled.
First off this -
Dr Peter Doshi, associate editor of the British Medical Journal(BMJ), discusses the total lack of scientific process behind the development and roll out Covid vaccines in a meeting called by Senator Ron Johnson on the topic of vaccine mandates.
Peter Doshi is an associate professor of pharmaceutical health services research in the School of Pharmacy and associate editor at The BMJ. His research focuses on policies related to drug safety and effectiveness evaluation in the context of regulation, evidence-based medicine, and debates over access to data.
Nothing he said here is new to some of us, what IS new is that a member of the establishment is saying all this. Last week all the things he says were flagged up as 'conspiracy theories'.
Some more snippets from this meeting are in 'Amazing Polly's' video here :
Again I hate to burst Polly's bubble but what she is 'exposing' here is NOTHING new. the covid shot trials are by no means the first to hide data, cover up side-effects, basically cook the books to make their products smell nicer. EVERY vaccine trial to date has followed the exact same process of fraud. Nothing is a shock to us long-term real anti-vaccination activists who've been screaming about this for years. NOW finally people are listening, seeing with their own eyes, the scam. For us old-timers this is an amazing time but it's so sad that so many have to suffer before they finally listen.
Next and not off-topic, but the icing on the cake, was the Travis Scott gig at 'Astroworld'. Seems like a long shot huh but what do we have in this story but heart attacks, a fully vaccinated audience and possibly some 5g (to be confirmed).
UPDATE: Confirmation -
This 2 hour show goes right into the hidden depths of the sacrificial ritual it appears to have been.
One of the things I've been wondering about is why they would start letting these stories of vaccine damage trickle out now that a huge portion of society have taken the shots? It seems cruel now. Kicking them while they're down. Lets not forget their biggest weapon is always fear.
What if they're ready to commence the cull for real, using fear again but this time of the side effects to herd those people back in for the harvesting with a promise to either fix it OR and here's the kicker - offer them eternal 'life' by being uploaded to the metaverse? Reminding me of the Black Mirror episode where people could go and visit their dead friends or loved ones in 'the cloud'.
Just a thought................
And finally an FOI which adds the cherry on top of the icing on the cake.
Brighton and Hove City Council have confirmed for Yvonne Hobs that they have no record of ANY of the following alleged "viruses" having been purified from a patient sample, by anyone on the planet:
• Any common cold coronavirus
• Ebola
• Influenza
• Measles
• Polio
• Zika
• ANY VIRUS on the Childhood Immunization schedule
Great job Yvonne!!
Brighton and Hove Compilation pdf:
I've never been an Amazing Polly fan. She comes across as a disinformation agent with some of her over the top narratives. Plus, the narcissistic nature of her handle (Amazing) always turned me off as well. It sounds like a carnival actors name, lol.
I'm sure you already know, but the 5g in conjunction with the graphene is something they have talked of for awhile. It will be a replacement for rfid in their plans. They also have science papers discussing using it in their vaccines, even though they deny it's in this one. I don't have time to find the links i have, but some months back I shared them with rycharde here on the chain I believe.
Yes I know what they say about the graphene I've barely mentioned it because so far we have no proof of what it can do or whether it is in these shots. I think the Scott concert kind of demonstrated what it can do don't you? I totally agree with your view on Polly, I too went off her when she started blaming everything on the vegans as a lot of these 'truthers' did. This video was quite good tho and not too long, which a lot of hers are.
Any more info on graphene is welcome if it's new and not conjecture.
When I have more time I will try to find the links I have collected on the push to include graphene in vaccines (papers predating Covid) as well as papers published on the use of graphene to replace rfid chips. I apologize that my collection of links is out of control this last year and a half as daily I find so many on various subjects I save them in bookmarks without classifying and have now a huge mess on my hands.
I remember the links I mention above because I shared them here maybe about 6 months or so ago. They were of relevance to me at the time because all the official narrative on their placement in vaccines were crazy tin foil hat when their own official papers raved about their advancement in vaccination elsewhere. Their own documentation on the intended use of graphene for just such purpose contradicting their narrative they weren't being used in Covid injections.
Nice one yeh if you find them let me know, I'd be equally interested. personally I feel it is to do with the link to technology as in the 5G and the internet of things but they don't understand the energy in our own bodies yet, or they do and they know.