Why Do I Bother?

in blurthealth •  3 years ago  (edited)

(I went looking at my Hive posts to see what to move over here next and noticed my profile picture has gone and also in this post I'm about to move all the pictures are missing so will have to find new ones. Is there a limit on pics if my funds on hive are low? These posts have already paid out tho? Anyone now why they've gone?)

In the old normal when I was going about my life quite happily writing articles whenever I had the urge to, exposing the lies of the pharmaceutical industry and it's front of shop (the medical system). Then along came covid and it seemed to me my mission became more urgent. Obviously not enough people know enough about how they bamboozled us to cope with the sudden onslaught of propaganda dressed up as 'science'.


If you are going to buy a car and like me you know nothing about engines or bodywork do you waltz into a car dealership and listen to the sales pitch of the car salesman? Well I know I did for my first maybe my 2nd and even 3rd car. Then I realised if I don't want to get ripped off with a banger I should either learn a bit more about cars and their workings OR take a trusted friend who DOES know cars AND can spot a sales pitch.


It is the same with this life situation. Most people have been blindly following the instructions of doctors and 'experts' for years. Depending on your age you might not have experienced a 'bad sale', a dodgy drug or a botched operation yet. You may not have noticed the damage being done to you or a loved one because you don't have anything to compare with, like an unvaccinated child. Do you know any? Maybe you do but you just don't know they are unvaccinated?


I am NOT a doctor, that is the point. If I can learn what I've learned anyone can. I started before all the censorship tho so I already have my toolbox you however will have a hard time finding those tools unless someone like me shows you where to get them.
Modern medicine has become so pervasive that we rarely encounter someone who shuns it to compare outcomes. On the other hand we are constantly fed reports of 3rd world people dying of what are claimed to be a lack of pharmaceutical interventions but peel back the layer of propaganda and you will find they are lacking food, water, safety and even family. They are never lacking drugs. Sometimes we get a more realistic picture of indigenous cultures without the dying when camera crews venture deeper into 'untouched by western hands' territory and then we can see healthy and happy undrugged humans.


In todays society people are, more often than not, sick or disabled in some way. There are very few naturally healthy and happy people anywhere. If modern medicine was so advanced and great surely we'd see hardly any sick people.
What I'm trying to point out, which to me is blatantly obvious, is modern medicine has made us all sick. It has not made us live longer, healthier lives at all. Look around you.
My point being and why I do what I do is that it is more important than ever to learn about your body and how it works REALLY. Not what the pharma industry has taught us, which is what all doctors have been taught because big pharma DOES own all the medical education colleges after all. They have taught doctors a sales pitch for drugs and other interventions for profit NOT HEALTH.


It is a very hard lesson to learn that you have been going about your life with the wrong instruction book. In fact you were never privy TO the instruction book. It has always been in the hands of others who we recognize by their white coats and pretty certificates on the wall behind them. We are supposed to only listen to the car salesmen and not go look at the manual or ask our self taught friend who knows everything that goes on under the bonnet because he's taken it apart and rebuilt it with his own hands.
So it's time to not 'swallow ur medicine' with or without the spoonful of sugar, it's time to find out how you can really live a healthy long life.

source: http://www.carolinesilk.com/2015/08/just-a-spoonful-of-sugar-helps-the-medicine-go-down/(via wayback machine)

First stop on that journey is to unlearn the crap you've been spoonfed.
This is why I do it, I write and talk about the basics of biology which we have been lied to about. I try to make it as simple as possible (and it is simple) so that no-one has the excuse they couldn't understand. We have all been bamboozled. The language is complicated and hard to understand on purpose so don't even try to understand their theories and all the science-waffle built to prop them up.
They are dead, throw them in the bin and wind yourself back to the beginning and start afresh.

I wrote the 'Germ Theory an Idiots Guide' to start you off. Once you grasp that (and you can) everything else will fall into place. It's really not that hard, swallowing your pride will never taste better than this. It certainly beats swallowing your medicine.
In this order-
(No animals were harmed during the making of these articles and I do not receive any profits for them)
Then once ur ready there's more if you want it but this groundwork should be enough for most people.
Get to work saving yourselves first. Remember "always put on your oxygen mask 1st before you can put your child's on" then you can get on with saving humanity.

Next week string theory and quantum physics...................................

Just kidding #lols

Other reasons I keep doing this are the lovely people who send me amazing messages like this:




Screenshot 2021-08-18 at 15-24-50 Facebook.png

Screenshot 2021-08-06 at 00-02-17 (1) Facebook.png
And many more I won't bore you with but they keep me going on and on...........

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm one of those rare, healthy persons. I am 66 years old, have no conditions, take no medicines, no headaches, no indigestion, no constipation, no dizziness, no nothing. I have energy, I sleep well, I eat well, I am happy. I credit my good health with one thing - I do not go to western doctors, not even dentists. I have had three vaccines my entire life: smallpox, polio, and tetanus.

My adult children, by contrast, are all sick. They all supposedly have Crohn's disease, but I KNOW that is vaccine injury. One of them has been so poisoned by western meds he is permanently disabled. I fed them organic, they got lots of fresh air, we had no screens, so the only thing it could be is the vaccines. The oldest was born in 1991, so they all got quite a few vaccines. My biggest regret.

I know no healthy children or young adults. If nothing else, they have asthma. We have been taught that conditions like asthma, constipation, vertigo, headaches, indigestion etc are NORMAL. And of course they are, now, since nearly all of us have at least one of those.

The only way to live a long and healthy life is to stay the fuck away from western doctors.

Thank you for doing the work you do.

I have no idea what is up with Hive.

same here, my children both only had one vaccine. The 1st child I was bullied into it but still refused a needle, they gave him it orally and he still got asthma from it. My 2nd child had NONE, was fit as a flea till 15 when she ended up in a+e without me for a cut foot and they gave her the tetanus 3 in 1 and she developed allergic asthma too.
Next generation the 2nd child had my 1st grandchild last year and she will be vaccine free but she is scared of social services. I told her not to register her.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Where do you live?
People should not even get SS#'s for their newborns in the US. That is a trap that we walked into decades ago. We've been so stupid! Oh well. Time is up for the despots, but they are getting desperate (look at NYState) and so, more dangerous.

Grew up mostly in England but now live in Ireland.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

shit, sorry about your kids, but... why did you let them get pricked?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Public schooling, and I didn't know any better. Now I know too much.

By the time my son was diagnosed, at age eight, I had started to understand and pursued natural healing methods to treat his illness. The public schools threatened to call child protective services if I didn't take him to a western doctor. And so I did. It was downhill from there.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's such a horrible Russian roulette - and nobody hears when the guns go off!!
You seen the Vaxxed films - once word got out, they were swamped with families telling their sad tales.

You say "western" meds - what country ru in?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

USA. With these jabs, it's even more Russian Roulette. Have you seen this? I have two more sources that show the same thing, if you'd like to see those let me know.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hope you keep sharing your great work and knowledge with us I appreciate it.

Thanx I appreciate you too.