Eating eggs every day increases the risk of diseases.

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

প্রতিদিন ডিম খাওয়ার ফলে বাড়ছে যেসব রোগের ঝুঁকি.png
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Many of us eat eggs regularly for breakfast. Again, those who have gone on a diet have missed the rice lesson. They also eat three to four eggs a day. Super Food These eggs have many health benefits. An egg will help your body fight against various diseases.
However, eating eggs every day is not good for many. According to researchers at the University of South Australia, eating one egg a day increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 70%. The researchers studied 8,545 adults in China. They find that eating more eggs increases the presence of high levels of sugar in the blood.

This is called positive co-relation in the language of statistics. It is further said that eggs are rich in all kinds of qualities and have a lot of nutrients. As a result, the trend to adopt it as a healthy fast food is old in many countries including Britain.

But not only frustration but also hope, according to researchers, no matter how boiled, poached or fried eggs are, if someone eats an egg every day, he or she will be at greater risk of developing diabetes.

Researchers at the University of South Australia, the author of the study. Ming Li says there is a lot of debate about eating eggs and its relationship with diabetes. However, the people they took as samples from the study ate eggs for a long time and tests showed that their risk of developing diabetes was greatly increased.

This study sheds light on the lifestyle of the Chinese people. Because the people there do not eat much grain food or vegetables. Their diet consists mostly of meat, snacks and eggs. From 1991 to 2009, the number of eggs eaten in China doubled. From 1991 to 1993, they ate 18 grams of eggs. From 2000 to 2004 that amount stood at 26 grams. In 2009 it amounted to 31 grams.

In 2019, the cost of treating diabetes-related diseases worldwide was at least ০ 6 billion. This amounts to 10 percent of the total health expenditure worldwide. In this case, the cost of diabetes related medical sector has exceeded 109 billion dollars. From 1991 to 2009, the China Health and Nutrition Survey analyzed data on 8,545 adults. Lee and his team. The China Health and Nutrition Survey is conducting the survey in support of the US government's Center for Disease Control and Prevention. They oversee health policy and nutrition in China.

Type-1 diabetes
This type of diabetes affects the body's immune system and destroys insulin-producing cells. This insulin breaks down glucose in our body and turns it into energy.

Type-2 diabetes
In this case, the body does not produce enough insulin.Diabetes-2 is seen in more people than type-1. About 90% of adults in Britain have type 2 diabetes.

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