Trees harmful to the environment.

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 


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Trees are friends of nature, a valuable resource of nature. But in many cases trees can harm the environment. Some types of exotic medicines can be harmful and environmentally harmful, affecting the general health of native plants. Other exotic plants such as eucalyptus, acacia, water hyacinth, pine grow and spread quickly and disrupt the normal life of native plants. These harmful trees have been known by the common people as accidental or deliberate. Eucalyptus and Acacia (Akashmani), two Australian species, are widespread in Bangladesh.
Teak and water hyacinth are two of the lesser-known plants in Bangladesh. Recently, eucalyptus, acacia, and pine have become quite common in tropical countries, including Bangladesh.

Eucalyptus, acacia, pine, etc. It became very popular in Bangladesh in the mid-1970s with the paradigm of a "social forestry program" sponsored by the Asia Development Bank and various government forest department projects. Eucalyptus and acacia are two of the world's most popular trees.
Greater Dinajpur, Rangpur, Bogra, Papna, Jessore, Kushtia and many other places in the hilly areas of Bangladesh have now become a forest of exotic trees. Even the natural forests of Rangpur, Dinajpur, Tangail, Shalban of Gazipur and the hilly areas of Sylhet and Chittagong have quickly turned into the forests of Eucalyptus and Acacia.
According to a survey, more than a billion of these deadly species of exotic plants have been cultivated in the vast Rangpur alone. It was announced to the general public that these outdoor trees were growing very fast, so that on the one hand they could fill the fuel shortage, and on the other hand the wood of these trees was ready to build houses. As a result, these rare trees have been planted extensively in plantations, in open areas on mountain slopes, around houses, and on both sides of large ravines. These trees now have a detrimental effect on other indigenous trees and biodiversity. Eucalyptus trees were first introduced into our country to make paper paper.
According to experts, the number of dangerous areas of these outdoor trees is high. In addition, the use of these trees in large quantities is very rare. The wood of these trees is not very good for building houses and there is not enough fuel in these trees. Its leaves are not good for cattle and are harmful to biodiversity. No bird can eat the fruit of these trees, and even birds cannot live in these trees. The leaves of these trees do not interact easily with the soil and as a result of soil erosion. And the scary thing is that pollen from the flowers of these trees causes allergies and asthma in humans. Studies have shown that these deadly plants absorb most of the water in the soil. As a result, the soil around these trees dries out and is unsuitable for crop production and the water level drops dramatically. Therefore, it can be said that these rare species of trees cause irreparable damage to the biodiversity and ecology of our country.

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