Benefits and nutritional value of kachushak.

in blurthealth •  4 years ago 

image source--My phone
Kachushak is a very well known vegetable in our country, this vegetable is especially popular among the rural people. This edible plant is easily found in the vicinity of the house - such as in the paddy fields, on the banks of canals and beels - without care. The people of the village never buy and eat this. This kachushak is cooked and eaten in different ways. Mash and curry are especially popular. Kachu vegetable curry with hilsa fish, small fish, shrimp or dried fish is great. Many people do not care that the vegetable is readily available. But only this vegetable can play a leading role in meeting the daily nutritional needs. This kachushak is a very good source of vitamin A. Kachushak plays a very important role in the prevention of all types of diseases caused by vitamin A deficiency, such as Ratakana disease. And because it is rich in iron, many people appreciate it. Many doctors recommend eating raw vegetables when the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is low. Kachushak A contains not only Vitamin A, but also Vitamin B and CO. Even kachushak plays a major role in the prevention of diseases of the face and skin. These vegetables contain high levels of potassium, which protects against the risk of death, such as heart disease and stroke. So let's talk about the effectiveness, benefits and nutritional value of kachu shak.
What is the nutritional value of kachushak
In general, this spinach contains sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. In scientific terms, every 100 grams of kachusha contains 8.6 grams of sugar, 3.9 grams of protein, 10 milligrams of iron, 10 grams of vitamin B-1 (thiamine), 0.22 milligrams of vitamin B-2 (riboflavin), 0.26 milligrams. Vitamin C - 12 mg, fat - 1.5 g, calcium - 228 mg and 56 kcal.

Benefits of raw vegetables:

Let's know the nutritional value and benefits of kachushak-

People suffering from anemia need to eat kachushak as it contains a lot of iron. Kachushak prevents various eye diseases including night blindness and cataracts and improves eyesight. These kachu vegetables contain ample amount of fiber, which helps in quick digestion of any food. Doctors tell many patients who have problems with constipation to keep small items in their diet from time to time.
What is not kachu vegetables and kachute? Kachusha contains a lot of Vitamin C which is easily absorbed by the iron in the human body. Vitamin C also helps the body to dry wounds. So make it a habit to feed every child from an early age.

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